- Officials say they will intensify health screening measures at airports and ports. 官员说,他们将加强在机场和港口的健康检查措施。
- But mental health screening isn't consistent for U.S. Troops returning from war, and if they don't say they need help, they often don't get it. 但心理健康筛检并不一致美军回国战如果他们不说他们需要帮助时,往往得不到。
- Health screening measures at all immigration control points, including health declaration and body temperature checks for travellers are maintained. 所有出入境管制站会维持健康检查措施,包括要求旅客申报健康状况及为旅客量度体温。
- The authorities dealing with migrant workers must, therefore, conduct thorough health screening to detect for Chikungunya infections. 有关当局必须对移民工人做全面的身体检查以找出基孔肯雅的传染来源。
- Three private health screening clinics and the health screening center of nine teaching hospitals in Taipei Metropolitan area are main study samples. 研究对象以目前市场佔有率较高的三家民间健检诊所及大台北地区九家医学中心的健检部门为主;
- The application of SCGE assay as a sensitive, simple, fast and useful technique in the regular health screening of workers occupationally exposed to X-ray would be encouraged. 结果表明,SCGE法是一项敏感、简便、快速、有效的测定方法,适用于职业性射线作业人员的常规健康监护。
- Results of this study suggest that health surveys and health screening should be strengthened.Priorities for selecting behavioral problems and farget groups were also suggested. 根据本研究结果,除建议加强调查研究和筛检服务外,并针对介入计画主题及介入计画对象之选择,提出具体的参考方向。
- Unes ICD - 10 , CCMD - 3 , asdiagnostic criteria , uns Mental Health Screening Schedule , Neurosis Screening Schedule MMSE , SDSS , for evaluation tool . 以ICD-10,CCMD-3为诊断标准,以精神卫生筛选表,神经症筛选表社会功能缺陷筛选量表(SDSS)。老年痴呆量表为评定工具。
- While the OFA continues to focus on hip dysplasia, the OFA has expanded into health screening for other inherited diseases and other companion animals such as cats. OFA关注髋关节发育不良的同时,也对其他遗传疾病和伴侣动物如猫等,进行更广泛的健康审查。
- A mobile van has been purchased to provide mobile health screening services and a X-ray bus is also planned to acquire to tap the unexploited mobile screening market. 诊所已购入流动诊疗车提供流动诊疗服务,而且亦正计划购置X光车,准备拓展尚未开发的流动体检。
- The health management program of preschool children was based on the needs of the current generation, it provided free health screening services to the children of both legislated public and private kindergartens and daycare centers. 摘要学龄前儿童健康管理计画乃是因应时代需求,对立案之公、立托儿所、稚园儿童免费提供健康筛检。
- Mind you, four out of five people who have the herpes virus don't exhibit noticeable symptoms, so they just pass it on to suckers who don't understand the importance of sexual health screening. 你不妨自己想一想,绝大多数携带生殖器病毒的患者并不表现出非常醒目的症状,这样一来,他们就很容易地把自身携带的病毒传递给那些不重视性检查的人口。
- Does your company provide regular health screenings for workers that are exposed to potential health hazards operation in your plant? 那些暴露在你们工厂潜在健康风险区域工作的工人,你们给他们提供定期的检测吗?
- She worried over her father's health. 她为父亲的健康担忧。
- Scaling down border health screening measures 调整口岸健康筛验措施
- Routine health screening population 常规体检人群
- My father's health was undermined by drink. 我爸爸的健康逐渐为酒所损害。
- Mr.Black bowed out of politics due to poor health. 布莱克先生由于健康不佳而退出政治生涯。
- Smoking is detrimental to health. 吸烟封健康是有害的。
- Fresh air and exercise are good for the health. 新鲜空气和运动有益于健康。