- health research agency 卫生研究机构
- premier health research agency 主要的卫生研究机构
- An intermediary such as an outside research agency brings headquarters and country operations together. 像外部调查代理处带来的总部和国家一起的媒介物。
- The NRC Institute for Research in Construction (NRC-IRC) is the leading construction research agency in Canada. 建筑研究理事会是加拿大名列前茅的建筑研究机构。
- He is the chief scientist of the Health Research Institute in Naperville, Illinois. 他是伊利诺州Naperville市卫生研究院的首席科学家。
- Fred Bergsten, the head of an economic research agency in Washington, says because fast-growing China and India are not excessively reliant on exports to the U. 他说:“世界经济过去100年来每5年都发生金融危机,它们的性质都不同,它们的原因也不同。
- A growing number of cautionary voices from the world of mental health research are saying it isn't. 世界各地越来越多的心理研究表明,这并非是个好主意。
- Research and development on SFRJ projectiles has been undertaken by TNO since the 1980s,including prior work in collaboration with FOI(the Swedish Defence Research Agency). TNO自从二十世纪八十年代就进行SFRJ弹的研发工作,其中还与FOI(瑞典防务研究局)共同进行了先期工作。
- Whether have international admissive health research and degree foster projects? 是否有国际认可的卫生政策研究和学位培养项目?
- One such example of open access is a new policy adapted by the Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR). 资源共享的一个典型的例子就是加拿大卫生研究院的研究(CIHR)实施的一项新的政策。
- So-called "positive psychology" is a hot topic in mental health research at the moment and you can even study it at the University of East London. 现在所谓的“正面心理学”在精神健康研究方面是一个热门话题,你甚至可以在东伦敦大学学习之。
- But Dr.Jha, of the Center for Global Health Research in Toronto, says only two percent of adult smokers in India have kicked the habit. 但是多伦多全球健康研究中心的杰哈博士说,只有2%25的印度成年吸烟者戒烟。
- With 12 professional experience, China Industrial Real Estate Consulting &Research Centre (CIRC) is the most authoritative industrial estate professional consultancy and research agency. 携12年专业服务经验,中国工业地产网的直属机构---“中国工业地产咨询与研究中心(CIRC)”,致力于工业地产领域的专业研究与咨询。
- Consistent with what decades of public health research shows, smokers also report being in poorer health than non-smokers and quitters. 与数年的公共健康调查显示的结果不谋而合的是,吸烟者也表示他们的身体和不吸烟者或是戒烟者相比状况更差。
- Research International China is a joint venture between South China Marketing Research Ltd (SCMR) and TNS Group Ltd.SCMR is one of the largest domestic marketing research agency in China. 华南国际市场研究有限公司是由国内最大的市场研究集团之一华南市场研究有限公司与TNS合作组建的合资企业。
- The S2003medicine insulation case of field operation is the health research fund project that is approved by Health Dept,GLD of PLA. S2003野战药品保温箱是总后卫生部批准立项的全军卫生科研基金项目。
- The notion that the world's best-known medical research agency sponsors studies of homeopathy, acupuncture, therapeutic touch and herbal medicine has always rankled many scientists. 世界享誉最高的医学研究机构赞助顺势疗法、针灸、治疗性接触和草药的研究,此举激怒了许多科学家。
- Bryan Rodgers, from ANU's Centre for Mental Health Research, said moderate drinkers notperformed the best,also seemed to be the healthiest. 研究显示,适度的酒精不仅减少人们患上心血管病风险,而且还会加大通往大脑的血液流量。
- Doing this in the context of strong national health research systems is a key to achieving the health objectives of the MDGs. 加强国家卫生研究体系关键是达到千年卫生目标提出的卫生要求。
- The paper introduces the International Conference on Health Research for Development held in Bangkok,Thailand in October2000. Global health is facing four challenges. 本文介绍了2000年10月在泰国曼谷召开的国际卫生研究发展大会。 世界卫生正面临着四个挑战。