- That cut is taking a long time to heal. 那伤口要很长时间才能愈合。
- The medicine and rest will soon heal your wound. 药物治疗和休息会使你的伤口很快愈合。
- A physician's sacred duty is to heal the sick. 医生的神圣职责就是治愈病人。
- The salve will heal slight burns. 这药膏能治疗轻微烧伤。
- The cut is no longer weeping and is starting to heal. 伤口已不流脓,渐渐愈合了。
- I hope her emotional wound will heal with the passing of time. 我希望她感情上的创伤能随时间的流逝而治愈。
- heal integration 热集成
- This salve will help to heal the wound. 这种药膏有助于治愈伤口。
- Sharp word make more wounds than surgeon can heal. 恶语伤人,医生难治。
- I can heal a scratch from a fishbone in 24 hours. 我能在24小时内治愈鱼刺造成的轻伤。
- The terrible wound took a long time to heal. 这重伤费了很长时间才痊愈。
- Time does not always heal old sores. 时间不一定能医治心灵的创伤。
- This kind of ointment will heal the scald. 这种软膏能使烫伤痊愈。
- This wound will soon heal if yon keep it clean. 如果你保持伤口清洁,它很快就会痊愈。
- Cure the soul's distress by heal remedy of reason. 用理性的药物治愈心灵的痛苦。
- Optical-electro-mechanical Integration Industry. 光机电一体化产业。
- The wound in his arm would take weeks to heal over. 他手臂上的伤要几个星期才能愈合。
- We are all affected by global integration. 每一处地方也受到全球经济一体化的影响。
- This wound will soon heal if yon keep it clean . 如果你保持伤口清洁,它很快就会痊愈。
- It allows a high degree of integration. 它允许高度的集成。