- A little bird was bobbing its head up and down. 一只小鸟把头上下快速摆动著。
- The guard of honor headed up the whole parade. 仪仗队走在游行队伍的最前头。
- We elected Mr Stevenson to head up the team. 我们选举了斯蒂文森先生率领这个队。
- Who is the man heading up Mr Lee? 走在李先生前面的那个人是谁?
- The cabbages are heading up nicely. 卷心菜菜头长得很好。
- "Heads up!" said the waiter carrying the hot food. "当心!"端着热食物的男招待说。
- The monkey bobbed its head up and down. 那只猴子上下来回地疾动它的头。
- He heads up the operation in northern Europe. 在北欧他领导企业的业务活动。
- He sailed into the meeting place with his head up. 他昂着头庄重地步进会场。
- The girl tossed her head up and refused to answer. 那女孩把头往后一扬,拒绝回答。
- A little bird is bobing its head up and down. 一只小鸟把头上下快速摆动著。
- Mr Jones will head up the new company. 琼斯先生将是新公司的领导。
- I think we should head up a bit now. 我认为我们的船现在应该略微顶风。
- Pull yourself together. Hold your head up. 振作起来,抬起头来。
- Several small creeks head up in the Dismal. 好几条河都发源于迪斯梅尔沼泽地。
- The ivy was heading up the wall. 常春藤顺着墙生长。
- Stop looking at the ground,lift your head up. 别看地上了,抬起头来。
- You're out of debt. Now you can hold your head up. 你不欠债了,可以扬眉吐气了。
- Mr. Wang will head up the new business. 王先生将领导这个新公司。
- One lightness: Pushing the head up in mind. (劲)要是:溜臀、裆、小腹、收左右腹股沟、胸、背、收左右胸窝、项。