- Her head swelled up white and a soft as a pillow. 她的头胀成了白色柔软的枕头.
- Wa: My head swells up like a watermelon and I drop dead. 华:我的头就会胀得象个大西瓜,然后突然倒在地上。
- My head swells up like a watermelon and I drop dead. 我的头就会胀得象个大西瓜,然后突然倒在地上。
- If I eat even one tiny piece of a nut, my head swells up like a watermelon and I drop dead. 我哪怕只是吃一点果仁,我就会头大,晕倒在地。
- She nestled her head on his shoulder. 她将头依偎在他的肩上。
- He has had a swell head since he go to harvard. 自从他进入哈佛大学之后,他就得意得冲昏了头。
- He has had a swell head since he went to Harvard. 自从他进入哈佛大学之后,他就得意的冲昏了头。
- He wondered how comehe grew a swell on the head. 他不知道为什么头上会长出一个瘤。
- The deer lowered its head to drink from the pond. 鹿低下头去喝池塘里的水。
- He gave the little boy a clout on the head. 他在那小男孩的头部打了一下。
- I saw the small girl topple over and hit her head. 我看见那小女孩栽了一跤,碰着了头。
- He have have a swell head since he go to harvard. 自从他进入哈佛大学之後,他就得意得冲昏了头。
- I was dazed by the blow on my head. 我的头挨了一击而觉得晕眩。
- She leaned her head back and whispered the news. 她向后仰着头,小声说出了这个消息。
- The horse kicked its fallen rider about the head. 那匹马乱踢从它背上掉下来的骑手的头部。
- A price of $1000 was set on the jewel thief's head. 悬赏1000美元抓住这个珠宝窃贼。
- As I was waiting for a bus a brick fell on my head. 当我在等公共汽车时,一块砖头落到了我的头上。
- He because of bashful but low head. 他因羞愧而低下了头。
- She greeted us with a nod of the head. 她向我们点点头打招呼。
- He was sitting with his head buried in a book. 他坐着埋头看书。