- The girl tilted her head forward. 女孩把头向前倾。
- He likes to tilt his head forward. 他喜欢把头往前倾。
- The woman bent her head forward to hear the secret. 那妇女伸过头去听那秘密。
- Why does he walk with his head forward? 为什么他走路时总探着头?
- You tilt your head forward when you bow . 鞠躬时,头要向前倾。
- You tilt your head forward when you bow. 鞠躬时,头要向前倾。
- The child cannot sit up or bend the head forward. 这个孩子不能坐直,或者将头向前倾。
- I bent my head forward the better to see the picture. 我把头往前探,以便更好地看清楚相片。
- I leaned my head forward to hear what they were saying. 我把头掉过去, 听听他们在说什么。
- Trick for suggesting villainy: tilt head forward; eyes peer upward, exposing whites in lower portion of eyeball. 给个比较毒辣的窍门:向前使头倾斜,眼睛向上盯着看,在眼球的更低的部分方面暴露白色。
- He walked straight across the kitchen to an inner door, opened it, inclined his head forward, and stood listening. 他径自穿过厨房,走到里边一道门口,把门打开,探出头去,站在那儿听一会。
- The lad has a remarkable manner of standing sideways as he spoke, and thrusting his head forward over his shoulder. 那个小伙子有一种很特殊的神情,就是在他说话时,身子总是向一边斜着,头探到肩膀外面。
- If she senses something stirring, she cracks the egg open, then tilts her head forward to let the baby emerge. 一旦当鳄鱼感觉到活动,就会打破鸡蛋,然后斜着头向前,让鳄鱼宝宝现出来。
- Sticking his head forward at Ralph, Jr., he ROARS like a wild beast and bares his fangs. 他用脑袋朝小拉尔夫刺去,像头野兽般咆哮着,露出尖尖的犬牙。
- Such was the position, which the minister occupied, as he bowed his head forward on the cushions of the pulpit at the close of his Election Sermon. 当我们的这位牧师结束了他在庆祝选举日的布道,在讲坛的靠垫上向前垂着头时,所处的正是这样一个高位。
- The jerk that snaps your head forward and lets you breathe, that motion carries your unaware body, heavy as meat, to the floor. 这猛的一挺把你的头往前带让你可以呼吸,但这股劲也会带着你失去知觉的身体,一团沉重的肉,倒向地面。
- She tilted her head .When she finished , she jerked her head forward ,as if to punctuate her remarks with an exclamation point . 只见她又是皱眉、又是歪头,说完了还猛地把头往前一伸,仿佛在为她的发言打上个感叹号。
- She nestled her head on his shoulder. 她将头依偎在他的肩上。
- In executing the thrust motion there is absolutely no need to push the arm upward, no need to lean during the motion, and no need to push the head forward. 在运行推力动作中绝对不必将手臂向上推,不需要倾靠,也不要将头向前倾。
- He leaned his head forward. 他把头向前探出去。