- He shook off the snow on his coat when he stepped into the house. 进了屋后,他抖掉了大衣上的雪花。
- He gasped as he stepped into the icy water. 他步入冰凉的水中时倒抽了一口冷气。
- He stepped into the cave and saw eyes glaring out of the darkness. 他走进洞里,看到有一双眼睛在黑暗中闪闪发光。
- He was surprised that no man hailed him as he stepped into the office. 令他感到惊奇的是,在他走进办公室时竟没有一个人向他打招呼。
- As soon as he stepped into the mess, an awkward silence suddenly loomed. 谁知他甫踏进餐厅,四周即变得鸦雀无声。
- Still, De La Hoya said he felt fine physically when he stepped into the ring. 徳拉霍亚还说他刚迈上拳台还感觉良好。
- The challenger showed the white feather as soon as he stepped into the ring with the champion. 这位挑战者同冠军一踏进拳击场时就胆怯了。
- he stepped into the light. 他走到了光亮的地方。
- A fencing operation for stolen goods was going along when he stepped into the storehouse. 他走进仓库,那时里面正进行一场买卖赃物的非法交易。
- As Yeats spoke with the voice of his female daimon, he stepped into the heart of his role. 诗人创作时,戴上“女性面具”,进入到角色的内心之中,通过一个女性第三者的声音写作,并与诗人自己的声音形成复调。
- The light lingered about the lonely child, as if glad of such a playmate, until her mother had drawn almost nigh enough to step into the magic circle too. 那光亮依傍在孤独的孩子身边,似是因为有了这样一个玩伴而兴高采烈,一直到她母亲差不多也要迈步进入那充满魔力的光圈为止。
- She stepped into the room and sat down in a sofa. 她走进屋子在沙发上坐下。
- He stepping into the noiseful crowd,in order to swallow his silent wail. 人走进喧哗的群众里去,为的是要淹没他自己的沉默的呼号。
- He stepped forward, hit foot sand into the ooze. 他向前一迈步,脚陷进了淤泥之中。
- Step into the house while you're waiting. 你既然在等候,那就请进屋去吧。
- He found a good place in the rocks,more than twelve feet high,with a narrow entrance. He stepped into the cave. 他在岩石里找了一个好地方,十二英尺多高,有一个狭小的入口。
- He stepped into his shoes and said he was ready. 他穿上鞋,说他已准备好了。
- He stepped into the cave. Suddenly he saw two eyes glaring at him out of the darkness. 他迈步走进洞里.;突然;他看见有两只眼睛从黑暗处瞪着他。
- He stepped on the mossy front steps and looked into the house. 他站在长满苔藓的前门的台阶上向里张望。
- He stepped into the parlour and stood for a few moments looking vacantly at the floor. The silence grew oppressive. 他走进客厅站了一会儿,茫然地看着地板。 屋里寂静得开始让人觉得透不过起来。