- He looked at her with a solemn expression. 他表情严肃地望着她。
- He looked at her with a slight air of patronage. 他摆出一点施恩于人的神情看着她。
- He looked at her in mystification. 他困惑地看着她。
- He looked at her with a hurt expression. 他带著受伤害的神情看著她。
- He looked at her with masculine approval. 他以一种男子气概欣赏地看着她。
- He looked at her with a droll sort of awakening. 他用一种古怪的如梦方醒的神情看着她。
- He looked at her with an evil leer. 他不怀好意地看着她。
- He looked at her with unfeigned admiration. 他怀着由衷的钦佩瞧着她。
- He looked at her as if she had lost her mind. 他对她看了看,仿佛她是昏了神似的。
- He looked at her with a jealous eye. 他以忌妒的目光看著她。
- He looked at her with unashamed curiosity. 他带着肆无忌惮的好奇瞧着她。
- Whenever he looked at her,she blushed. 每当他看着她,她的脸就会红起来。
- It tinkled feebly, and then he looked at her again. 那小铃儿微微响了几声,他又回头把珍妮看了一眼。
- He looked at her with a hurt expression . 他带着受伤害的神情看着她.
- He looked at her with a puzzled face. 他用疑惑的表情看着她。
- He looked at her, his eyes becoming hazy with lust. 他色迷迷地看着她。
- He looked at her with a droll sort of awakening . 他用一种古怪的如梦方醒的神情看着她。
- He look at her intently, his eys full of desire. 他满含渴望的双眼专注地望着她。
- He looked at her when she was not looking. 她不看着的时候他就看她。
- he looked at her calculatingly. 他诡计多端地看着她。