- he left the monastery ourified. 他净化后离开了修道院。
- He left the monastery and subsequently lived as a hermit for six years. 他离开了修道院,然后隐居了六年。
- At the age of fifty, he left the monastery to begin missionary work in Europe, where entire regions had lapsed into paganism. 50岁的时候他离开了修道院,开始在陷入异教的欧洲大陆上传福音。
- He left the hotel with his suites yesterday. 他昨天带着一群随员离开了那家酒店。
- He left the house in high spirits. 他兴高采烈地离开了屋子。
- He left the court without a stain on his character. 他经法庭一役,人格丝毫无损。
- Bodybuilder and striper Biggie has the special gift of seeing into people's past lives.He uses to be a Buddhist monk until he left the monastery following his childhood friend's brutal murder. 脱衣舞男大只佬看似四肢发达头脑简单,其实是能看穿因果的高僧,因好友被杀而脱下袈裟。
- He left the party with indecent haste. 他很不礼貌地匆匆离开宴会。
- He left the train at Li Zhuang and proceeded home on foot. 他在李庄下车,步行往家里走去。
- Before he left,he said good-bye to each member of the monastery. 离开前,他与修道士中的每个人道别。
- Before he left, he said good-bye to each member of the monastery. 离开前,他与修道士中的每个人道别。
- He left the phone off the hook so that he wouldn't be disturbed. 他不把电话听筒挂上,以免受到打扰。
- Before he left, he said good - bye to each member of the monastery. 离开前,他与修道士中的每个人道别
- The child spied him out as he left the carriage. 在他离开车厢时那个孩子就看出是他。
- He left the decision to his deputy. 他委托他的代理人作决定。
- Before he left, he said good - bye to each member of the monastery . 离开前,他与修道士中的每个人道别
- He was mobbed as soon as he left the house. 他一离开那房子就遭到了人群的袭击。
- He married directly he left the university. 他一离开大学就结婚了。
- He left the district and broke with old ties . 他离开了这一地区,断绝了旧关系。
- He left the field open between Tom and David. 他对汤姆和大卫之间的争执不加干涉。