- He caused his parents much unhappiness. 他弄得父母很不愉快。
- He causes a disturbance at your inn. 他在你的客店里招惹是非。
- He caused his parents great anxiety by cycling long distances alone. 他独自骑自行车远行,父母非常担心。
- He caused his parents a lot of grief. 他没少让父母操心。
- There he caused a number of troubling incidents. 在那里他引发了许多麻烦的事件。
- There, he caused a number of troubling incidents. 在正是在弗理工,赵承辉造成了许多麻烦。
- He cause his parents great anxiety by cycling long distance alone. 他独自骑自行车远行,父母非常担心。
- His heart was suddenly wrung because he caused his mother pain. 因招惹母亲痛苦,他忽然心烦起来。
- He causes even their enemies to be at peace with them. 耶和华也使他的仇敌与他和好。
- After laughing heartily he caused me to be set free. 他开怀大笑起来,然后下令将我释放。
- And the thing pleased Haman; and he caused the gallows to be made. 哈曼以这话为美,就叫人做了木架。
- He caused them to be pitied by all who held them captive. 他也使他们在凡掳掠他们的人面前蒙63怜恤。
- And the thing pleased Haman;and he caused the gallows to be made. 哈曼以这话为美,就叫人做了木架。
- He has to live with the dreadful knowledge that he cause their death. 他知道是自己使他们丧命而终生痛苦。
- He has to live with the dreadful knowledge that he caused their deaths. 他知道是自己使他们丧命而终生痛苦.
- He caused a lot of trouble to his parents and was always in trouble. 他给他的父母招来很多麻烦,甚为苦恼。
- He have to live with the dreadful knowledge that he cause their death. 他知道是自己使他们丧命而终生痛苦。
- I can't believe he had the nerve to ask me to pay for the damage he caused. 我真不敢相信他居然还要求我赔偿他所造成的损失。
- There is positive proof that he did it. 有确切的证据证明他做了此事。
- Unfortunately he won't be here tomorrow evening. 可惜的是他明晚不在这儿。