- I asked the salesman if he would knock some money off for payment in cash. 我问推销员如果付现金是否要以降低些价钱。
- He asked the tailor to make over his pants. 他请裁缝把他的裤子翻改了一下。
- He asked the carter if he had been there before. 他问马车夫以前是否去过那里。
- He asked the mason to make him a tombstone. 他要求这个石匠给他做一块墓碑。
- He asked the teacher to touch up his picture. 他请老师把他的画修改提高一下。
- He asked the waiter to bring him a cask of sherry. 他叫侍者给他拿一桶雪利酒。
- He asked the children to make up a poem about their life in the army. 他让孩子们写首诗来反映他们在部队的生活。
- He ask the information office for details of company exhibit at the motor show. 他向信息询问了有关汽车博览会方面各公司参展的详情。
- He asked the chairman for the floor. 他要求主席允许他发言。
- "Dare you go home alone?" He asked the child. 他问孩子:"你敢一个人回家吗?"
- He asked the carpenter to build in some cupboards . 他请木匠嵌加几个橱柜。
- He asked the crowd to stand to one side. 他要求人群靠一边站。
- He asked the carpenter to build in some cupboards. 他请木匠嵌加几个橱柜。
- "Virgin?" he asked the girl next to him. “童贞女?”他问旁边的姑娘。
- Somehow he was irritated by the smoothness of the salesman. 不知为什麽这个推销员的圆滑使他恼怒。
- He asked the question out of curiosity. 出于好奇,他提了这个问题。
- When I bought the shoes I asked the salesman to throw in some shoe polish. 我买这双鞋时,要求售货员额外奉送鞋油。
- He asked the genie to build him a nice palace. 他要精灵帮他盖间漂亮的宫殿。
- He asked the conductor for a five penny ticket. 他向售票员买一张五分票。
- He asked the bookseller who she was. 他问店主她是谁。