- Did he have the nerve to say that? 他竟有脸说这话吗?
- You have the nerve to ask me for more? 你有胆量再来跟我要?
- Did she have the nerve to say that? 她竟有脸那样说吗?
- Surely she didn't have the nerve to say that to him? 她真的没有勇气对他说那件事吗?
- She had the nerve to say I was cheating. 她竟敢说我作弊,太放肆了。
- Do you have the nerve to complain? 还好意思说?
- So she has the nerve to ask for a loan! 她倒好意思张嘴!
- He has the nerve to drive a racing car. 他有勇气驾驶赛车。
- I do not have the nerve to do it. 我没勇气去做。
- I don't have the nerve to sing in front of people. 我不敢在大家面前唱歌。
- He had the nerve to say that I was a fool. 他居然有脸说我是傻瓜。
- I don't have the nerve to do it. 我没有胆量/勇气去做。
- I barely had the nerve to make this call. 我几乎没有勇气打这个电话。
- Did he have the nerve to go back on his word? 他竟有脸赖账吗?
- Very few people have the nerve to handle poisonous snakes. 几乎没人敢去抓毒蛇。
- Jim didn't have the nerve to jump off the high diving board. 吉姆不敢从跳板上往下跳。
- I wouldn't have the nerve to try anything so dangerous. 我可不敢做那么危险的事。
- He have the sole agency for ford car. 他有福特汽车的独家代理权。
- I wouldn't have the nerve to do anything so dangerous. 我可不敢做那麼危险的事情。
- I can't believe he had the nerve to ask me to pay for the damage he caused. 我真不敢相信他居然还要求我赔偿他所造成的损失。