- You have nothing to lose by telling the truth. 你讲真话是不会吃亏的。
- Who so merry as he that have nothing to lose. 穷人不犯愁。
- You have nothing to lose but your gags. 除了那禁止你们说话的禁令之外,你还能失去什麽!
- Kit : Why not? We have nothing to lose. 琪特:为什麽不?我们没什麽好损失的。
- Candidates have nothing to lose by uploading a CV. 候选人上传一份简历,不会有什么损失的。
- Will you marry me when you are seventy and have nothing to lose? 妳愿意在七十岁时嫁给我吗?反正也没什么好损失的了。
- Who so merry as he that had nothing to lose. 穷人不犯愁。
- Who so merry as he that has nothing to lose. 穷人不犯愁。
- Beware of the person who has nothing to lose. 当心那些已没有什么可输的人。
- The proletarians have nothing to lose but their chains. 无产者在这个革命中失去的只是锁链。
- Why don't you try out for the basketball team? You have nothing to lose. 你为什么不去尝试一下参加篮球队,反正你也不会有什么损失。
- If they become dirty, or we run out of them, we will have nothing to lose! 所以,消费的时候一定要注意节约哦!
- Tell the players the pressure is off and that they have nothing to lose. 告诉球员不要有压力即使他们输球也没什么。
- Engineers of the world philosophize! You have nothing to lose but your silence! 全世界的工程师,用哲学武装起来!除了你们的沉默无言,你们什么也不会失去!
- Engineers of the world philosophize!You have nothing to lose but your silence! 因为工程的内在的哲学特征、哲学能够作为一种途径达到对技术与工程的更好的自我理解.
- He had nothing to lose by carrying out a dead mother's hope. 他把死去的母亲的心愿了却,于他是没有损失的。
- I have nothing to add to my earlier statement. 我对我先前说的话,没有什么补充的。
- Workers of all countries,unite! You have nothing to lose but your chains; you have a world to gain. 全世界无产者联合起来!你们失去的只是锁链,获得的将是整个世界。
- For pat to lose his job is nothing to joke about. 对帕特来说失业可不是闹著玩儿的。
- I have nothing to say in relation to that matter. 关于那件事,我没什么好说的。