- He offers an analogy to explain how it works. 他用一个类比来解释这个过程。
- In her essay, she drew an analogy to expound her opinion. 在她的文章中,她打了个比方来阐述观点。
- Cage's musical piece has an analogous effect. 凯奇的“音乐”作品也有如出一辙之效。
- Explanation: Big, beautiful spiral galaxy NGC 7331 is often touted as an analog to our own Milky Way. 说明: 巨大美丽的螺旋星系NGC 7331经常被认为与我们自己的银河类似。
- He was told to have an eye to when the oil ran out. 他被告知得注意着石油何时用完。
- This lead to the design of a detection cell that comprises: a light guide, a PMT, a high-voltage divider, ananalog front-end chip and an analog to digital converter. 为了提高探测器的紧密性,输出电子应紧贴于光电倍增管。因此,检测池的设计就包括:光导,光电倍增管,高压分压器, 模拟前端芯片和模拟数据转换器。
- Rep.Frank is looking at whether to create an analog to the Resolution Trust Corp., which took assets from failed banks and thrifts and found buyers over several years. 他在评判是否需要建立一个类似清债信托公司的机构,这个公司几年来一直从破产的银行、储蓄机构、基金购买者手中获得资产。
- Soon he have an opportunity of explain that to her. 不久他便有了向她解释那件事的机会。
- AVR microcontroller ATmega8 is applied in this paper. It has an analog comparator inside, and its I/O port can be used as A/D conversion. 本设计选用可在线编程的AVR单片机ATmega8,它内带模拟比较器,I/O口可作A/D转换用。
- The vase seems to have an orient origin. 这花瓶好像来自东方。
- I have an ocean of things to do. 我有许多事情要做。
- They have an itch to travel abroad. 他们渴望去国外旅行。
- Serao described "a flow of fiery lava" as an analogy to the flow of water and mud down the flanks of the volcano following heavy rain. 塞劳称为"流动的火热熔岩"作为比喻,以流动的水和泥了两翼的火山下列大雨。
- I have an insane desire to finish that thing. 我疯狂地渴望去完成那件事。
- have an analogy to 具有与 ... 相似之处
- The British are said to have an unusual sense of humour. 据说英国人有一种特殊的幽默感。
- My theory applies to you and by analogy to others like you. 我的理论适用於你,照此类推,也适用於像你这样的其他人。
- She always seems to have an aura of happiness about her. 她好像总是喜气洋洋的。
- Of or relating to an analog computer. 模拟计算机的,或与模拟计算机有关的
- Still, it's an ill wind; you will have an unexpected holiday. 不过,这也并非完全的不幸,你会享受到一次意外的休假。