- I have great admiration for his courage. 我十分佩服他的勇气。
- Jane Fonda is a person whom I have admired for a long time. I would meet her walking in the hills, and... 可曾想过与某位名人发生性关系?是谁?什麽事情让你想跟他们有关系?
- We have a great admiration for the people's heroes. 我们对人民英雄怀有十分钦佩的心情。
- I shall say my admiration for your skill is great. 我想说我对您的技术是十分钦佩的。
- We have a great admiration for the gold medalists. 我们对金牌获得者极为敬佩。
- Although Dr Mahathir has had some spats with his neighbour, he has admiration for Mr Lee. 虽然马哈蒂尔和他的邻居有着口水之战,他仍然敬佩李光耀。
- Her admiration for him was tinged with jealousy. 她对他的钦佩带有一点妒忌。
- The team felt great admiration for the coach. 队员们都非常钦佩教练。
- I have great admiration for her as a writer. 我十分钦佩她这个作家。
- I have a great admiration for your wisdom. 我非常钦佩你的智慧。
- I have seen two men whom I have admired for the past 20 years turn into hate-mongers. 我眼睁睁目睹我在过去20多年所景仰的两人在瞬间化身为仇恨使者。
- Having admiration for his conduct results in her love for him 她十分钦佩他的为人, 于是爱上了他。
- I have great admiration for TJ and I am just happy he is back. 我非常欣赏TJ并对他的回归感到无比的欣悦。
- I should say my admiration for your skill is great. 我该说我很敬佩你的技术。
- When hearing that Dr.Li Kaifu, who we had admired for a long time, would come our Nankai, we seethed with excitement. 当听说敬仰已久的李开复博士要来南开时,我们沸腾了。
- We were lost in admiration for her achievements. 我们对她的成就极为钦佩。
- She has an unbounded admiration for you. 她对你无比称赞。
- She bas admiration for his courage. 她对他的勇气敬佩之至。
- I am filled with admiration for your bravery. 我由衷钦佩你的英勇绝伦。
- He professed his admiration for their work. 他表示钦佩他们的工作。