- I have a pain in the lumbar region. 我腰部疼痛。
- I have a smarting pain in the back of my head. 我头的后面有剧痛。
- I have a pain in the lower abdomen. 我的下腹部有点痛。
- I have a pain in the pit of my stomach. 我心窝痛。
- I have a pain in the region of my heart. 我的心脏部位痛。
- She had a pain in her back all the time. 她的背部一直都痛。
- Sue has a nagging husband. She calls him a pain in the neck and a. 苏的老公很罗嗦。苏说她老公使她头大,伤脑筋。
- I have a severe pain in the leg. 我腿部剧烈疼痛。
- I have a sharp stab of pain in the stomach. 我的胃突然感觉一阵剧痛。
- He had a dull pain in the chest. 他胸部隐隐作痛。
- He has a severe pain in the chest. 他胸部痛得很厉害。
- I have a pain in every blamed joint. 我的每一个讨厌的关节都有点儿痛。
- The masseur had a pain in his back passage. 男按摩师的肛门有点疼。
- She had a pain in her right side. 她右肋疼痛。
- I have a smarting pain in the hack of my head. 我后脑袋刺痛。
- Do you have a pain in both side of chest? 你胸部两边感到疼痛吗?
- My house has a small yard in the back. 我屋子后边有个小院子。
- I have a pain in my right shoulder. 我右肩很痛。
- Every time I catch a cold, I have a pain in my back. 每回感冒,我的背都痛。
- I have a pain in my groin when I walk. 当我走路时腹股沟会痛。