- The two sisters have nothing in common. 两姐妹没有什么共同之处。
- Jane and I have nothing in common. 简和我毫无共同之处。
- I have nothing in common with Jane. 我和简毫无共同之处。
- Socialism has nothing in common with capitalism. 社会主义与资本主义毫无共同之处。
- The couple seems to have nothing in common. 这对夫妇好像没有什么共同点。
- Kate and I have nothing in common. 凯特和我没有共同之处。
- Eg John and I have nothing in common. 约翰和我没有共同之处。
- They are brothers, but they have nothing in common. 他们虽然是兄弟,但毫无共同之处。
- They are sisters, but they have nothing in common. 他们虽是姐妹,但毫无共同之处。
- We brothers have nothing in common. 我们兄弟俩没有任何共同之处。
- I have nothing in common with you. 我与你没有一点共同之处。
- John and I have nothing in common. 约翰和我毫无共同之处。
- They have nothing in common with one another. 他们彼此毫无共同之处。
- What you have suggested has nothing in common with my proposal. 你的建议与我的提案之间没有丝毫共同之处。
- They have nothing in common with each other in their manners. 他们彼此的举止毫无共同之处。
- I can't make friends with him. We have nothing in common. 我不能和他交朋友,我们截然不同。
- When a girl says to a boy that they have nothing in common . 当一个女孩子对一个 男孩说他们没有共同 之处时
- We have nothing in common, and in temperament we're poles apart. 我们没有什么共性,脾气完全相反。
- Georgiana and she had nothing in common; they never had had. 乔奇安娜和她没有共同之处;她们向来没有。
- However, it has nothing in common with flightism of the Han Fu-chu brand. 然而,这和韩复榘式的逃跑主义是没有相同之点的。