- harmonious sex relation 和谐性别关系
- Decorate a room, must pay attention to the harmonious sex that rectifies substance style, colour to wait. 布置房间,一定要注重整体风格、色彩等的协调性。
- On the foundation of recognizant obstacle, companion hair behavior is mixed mussily campaign of spirit of not harmonious sex is heated. 在意识障碍的基础上,伴发行为紊乱和不协调性精神运动兴奋。
- Product of circle of chocolate, wheaten face, sea, dried fruit can enhance neurological harmonious sex, it is the optimal small snacks when getting online. 巧克力、小麦面圈、海产品、干果可以增强神经系统的协调性,是上网时的最佳小零食。
- Its policy directs the side key of the each industry policy to contemporaneity differs somewhat, noticed the harmonious sex of all sorts of policy tools. 其政策导向对同一时期的各产业政策的侧重点有所不同,并注重了各种政策工具的协调性。
- Action: Be beneficial to the muscle that models ministry of abdomen, hip, hip to reach next waists, still can build good balance sex and harmonious sex at the same time. 作用:有益于塑造腹部、胯部、臀部及下腰部的肌肉,同时还可以建立良好的平衡性和协调性。
- The main effect of gymnastical ball is the balance ability that trains human body, enhance a person to control capacity to sarcous, to raising the flexibility of human body and harmonious sex. 健身球的主要作用是训练人体的平衡能力,增强人对肌肉的控制能力,对提高人体的柔韧性和协调性。
- Action: This group of movements let the body have harmonious sex more, the tenacity that exercised body upside at the same time and abdominal muscle, vertebral the nimbleness with skeleton. 作用:这组动作让身体更具有协调性,同时锻炼了身体上部的韧性和腹部肌肉、脊椎和骨骼的灵活度。
- Of mania fit and schizophrenia differentiate: Especially youth schizoid often appears mental motility is excited, but activity of its acknowledge, affection, volition has apparent not harmonious sex. 躁狂发作与精神分裂症的鉴别:尤其青春型精神分裂症患者常出现精神运动性兴奋,但其认知、情感、意志活动具有明显的不协调性。
- Right now, laborer occurrence attention is not centered, behavioral accuracy and harmonious sex are poor, unresponsive, exercise ability drops apparently, easy happening inductrial injury accident. 此时,劳动者出现注意力不集中,动作的准确性与协调性差,反应迟钝,作业能力明显下降,易发生工伤事故。
- Secondly, if allude the adornment sex of radiator, people considers its and the harmonious sex that live in an environment can sensibly, because this compact model suffers praise highly fully. 其二,假如提及散热器的装饰性,人们会理智地考虑其与家居环境的和谐性,因此简洁的造型备受推崇。
- You may not have sex relations with men, as you do with women: it is a disgusting thing. 不可与兽淫合,玷污自己。女人也不可站在兽前,与它淫合,这本是逆性的事。
- Moreover, some differences of sex stereotype were found between male and female subjects as well as among those with various sex related role expectations. 不同性别角色被试之间的性别刻板印象也有差异。
- Now there were among the people of Jabesh-gilead four hundred young virgins who had never had sex relations with a man; these they took to their tents in Shiloh in the land of Canaan. 他们在基列雅比人中,遇见了四百个未嫁的处女,就带到迦南地的示罗营里。
- Marriage mate must be faithful to each other.adulter is a sin against god and against one's mate sex relations outside the marriage is the only scriptural ground for divorce allowing for remarriage. 4夫妻双方都必须忠于配偶。通奸不但得罪配偶,也得罪上帝。圣经唯一认可的离婚和在婚理由,就是配偶不忠,有了婚外性行为。
- Sex is no longer the taboo subject it used to be. 现在不再像过去那样把性的问题视为禁区。
- A public relation firm handle all our publicity. 一家公共关系公司负责处理我们的全部广告宣传工作。
- A person's happiness correlate closely to the family relation. 一个人的幸福与家庭关系密切相关。
- The room was painted in harmonious colors. 房间油漆得色彩调和。
- To be promiscuous in sex relations 沾花惹草