- harmonious developing concept 和谐发展观
- Scientific Development Concept: The Basic Guide for the Sustainable and Swiftly Harmonious Development of Education Course 科学发展观:教育事业持续快速协调发展的根本指针
- In promoting harmonious develop ment of reg ional economy, regional policy plays a very important part. 在促进地区协调发展过程中,区域政策是极其重要的。
- Must continue to infiltrate through the mind in implementing the scientific development concept and building a harmonious society of the whole process. 必须把继续解放思想贯穿渗透于贯彻落实科学发展观和构建和谐社会的全过程。
- Harmonious development between vertical and horizontal directions? 纵展横拓协调发展
- Sixthly, where is the power of harmonious development? 六、和谐发展的力量之源在哪里?
- Ninthly, what kind of system does harmonious development need? 九、和谐发展需要什麽样的制度安排?
- Eighthly, what is the civilization form of harmonious development? 八、和谐发展与何种文明型式相容?
- Guiding socialistic harmonious society construction with the scientific development concept should be the motif of constructing Chinese characteristics socialism. 摘要用科学发展观统领社会主义和谐社会建设,是发展中国特色社会主义的题中应有之义。
- Makes sure that the quality goals, costs and functional specifications are achieved by developing concept alternatives and systematically selecting and evaluating variants. 确保研发的替换部件性能,成本,质量能达到要求并进行系统地选择和评估。
- Only hashumanist, the education only then can harmoniously develop. 只有以人为本,教育才会和谐发展。
- Fifthly, can humanitarian ethic he the ethics basis of harmonious development? 五、人本主义伦理观能成为和谐发展的伦理基础吗?
- A proactive and balanced development strategy by large life insurance companies is in line with the requirements of the scientific development concept and the construction of a harmonious society. 大型寿险公司实施积极均衡的发展战略,是贯彻落实科学发展观,更好地服务于构建和谐社会的要求。
- Tenthly, is harmonious development an ultimate result, or never-ending process? 十、是终极结果,还是无限过程?
- Stream Interface Driver Development Concepts. 有关流式接口驱动程序的详细信息,请参阅。
- To elucidate key for the victory in the competition of the medical market, and the importance of communication inside hospital, and construction of a harmonious developing medical unit. 阐述了加强医院内部沟通,做到团结一致求发展,建设和谐发展的医疗机构,是医疗市场竞争获胜的关键。
- Basing on this, this thesis also tells how to choose tactics for the harmonious develop of banking, insurance, bond and the internationalizing strategy of financial system in china. 金融体系协调的核心标准就是能否顺应要素禀赋变化和产业(技术)结构发展的需要,不断地把资本配置到在特定发展阶段最符合比较优势的生产活动中去。
- Insisting that studies, organizes, to feed back, impels our province to study the practice scientific development concept activity powerfully solid to develop thoroughly. 坚持学习好、组织好、反馈好,有力地推动我省学习实践科学发展观活动扎实深入开展。
- Insisting on Scientific Development Concept and to Have Chinese Insurance Industry Grow Bigger and Stronger. 坚持科学发展观做大做强中国保险业。
- Maintain social fairness and justice and ensure harmonious development of human society. 维护社会公平公义,确保人类社会和谐发展。