- A harmonious college campus should be based on the man-centered concept, learning-worshiped concept, society-served concept, sustainable-development concept and world-considered concept with an enterprising spirit. 大学和谐校园建设树立以人为本理念、尚学术理念、务社会理念、续发展理念、向世界理念、领社会理念。
- The construction of a harmonious college campus in a harmonious society should pay more attention to the humanity, harmoniousness, continuity and diversity of education. 摘要和谐社会视野中的大学校同建设,更加注重教育的人文性、协调性、持续性、多样性。
- Building the harmonious college campus through interpersonal attraction laws 把握人际吸引规律构建和谐大学校园
- harmoniou college campus culture 和谐校园文化
- harmonious college campus 和谐校园
- How do you design your college campus life? 如何规划大学四年的学习生活?
- Should cars be fallowed into College Campus? 现在某些高校校园禁止车辆驶入,2.;这种规定的考虑,
- More than 300 houses, a school and a college campus were deluged. 三百多栋房屋、一座学校和一座大学校园被洪水淹没。
- The college campus as an incubator of radical new sociological concepts. 大学校园是产生激进的社会学新概念的温床。
- A LAN is a system of computers and associated peripherals such as Printers that are physically connected by cable within a limited geographical area-typically in an office building or on a college campus. 局域网就是在一个有限的地域范围内,典型的如在办公大楼或校园中,将计算机及相关外设(如打印机)用电缆进行物理连结而组成的一个系统。
- Young co-eds are being cut up by a chainsaw killer on a college campus. 年轻的女大学生在校园内被一个电锯杀手肢解。
- The development of a university depends on a high-level teaching brigade and a harmonious college institutional culture conducive to the development of teaching staffs. 一所高校的发展归根结底取决于高水平的教师队伍,取决于一种有利于教师队伍健康成长的和谐的大学制度文化。
- The Oberlin College campus is located on 440 acres in Oberlin, Ohio, 35 miles southwest of Cleveland. 奥柏林音乐学院座落在美国俄亥俄州,占地440英亩,位于克利夫兰西南35英里处。
- To propose and administer physical development of the college campus and its buildings. 提出书院校园发展建议及监察校园和建筑物的发展。
- The development of College campus culture is carrying the mission to spread and accept the advanced culture. 本文中提到的校园文化就是指高校的校园文化,论高校校园文化与德育建设即探讨高校校园文化建设与高校德育建设之间的关系。
- Cultural adaptation on college campus has become a new topic in the multicultural background. 摘要多元文化背景下,大学校园的文化适应已成为新的课题。
- A limited number of College-managed houses within walking distance of the College campus. 数量有限由学院管理-在走路可达这学院校园的距离的房子.
- Situated near the centre of Guildford this is the main college campus and the site for the International Centre. 该校区临近吉尔福德市中心,是吉尔福德学院的主校区,国际中心也在这里。
- Strife on college campuses helped change the attitude of the nation. 高校间的竞争有助于改变国家的态度。
- I would like to know the Wuhan City College campus newsstand purchase channels of what? 我想知道武汉市各高校校内报刊亭的进货渠道有哪些?