- The IP packet can now be delivered using the destination hardware address. 现在可以用目的地硬件地址发送IP数据包了。
- The RARP protocol is used by IP to find the IP address based on the hardware address of a computer network card. RARP协议的作用是通过IP来查找建立在计算机网卡硬件地址之上的IP地址。
- The issue is that the networks card do not have an burned-in MAC address (the MAC address is also referred to as Hardware Address). 问题是,网络卡没有烧毁的MAC地址(MAC地址也被称为硬件地址)。
- When the hardware address is received, both the IP address and hardware address are stored as an entry in the local ARP cache. 当收到硬件地址时,源主机就把IP地址和硬件地址当作入口存储在本地ARP高速缓存中。
- If the hardware address in the frame is a broadcast address, or if it matches the network interface, the frame is passed to the appropriate protocol in the layer above. 如果这一帧的硬件地址是广播地址,或者它与本机网络接口层相匹配,此帧就通过这一层送到上一层中适当的协议程序。
- If the receiving hosts IP address matches the requested IP address, an ARP reply is formulated with the requested hardware address and sent directly to the source host. 如果接收方主机IP地址与要求的IP地址匹配,就生成一个包括发送方所要求的硬件地址的ARP回应帧,并直接发送给源主机。
- If a node is then attached to an unassigned switch port, the VLAN management database can look up the hardware address and assign and configure the switch port to the correct VLAN. 如果是这样的话,好像应该是不可以实现吧,至少是在思科的设备中?
- Some laptop models produced by Dell are known to crash when PCMCIA device detection tries to access some hardware addresses. Dell笔记本的一些型号,会在PCMCIA设备检测程序尝试访问一些硬件地址的时候死机。
- Hardware address of sender of this packet 发送端硬件地址
- Hardware address of target of this packet 查询对象硬件地址
- The name and address of the firm are embossed on its paper. 商号的名字和地址凸印在信笺上。
- Let me note down your address and telephone number. 让我记下你的地址和电话号码。
- I know nothing about computer hardware. 我对计算机硬件一窍不通。
- I want to address a letter to a friend. 我要给一个朋友寄封信。
- We deal in hardware but not software. 我们只经营硬件而不经营软件。
- Now, Let us invite Ms Jeanne to address us. 现在,请珍妮女士给我们讲话。
- He found their address in the telephone directory. 他在电话薄里找到了他们的住址。
- His address be248 regent street, right? 他的住址是摄政街284号,对吗?
- word number in segment hardware addressing 段式硬件寻址的字号
- Write your name and address on this pink slip. 在这张粉红色纸条上写下你的姓名和地址。