- Numerical results show that the hardening parameter of the material strongly influences the formation of cavity in the sphere. 数值结果表明;幂强化弹塑性材料参数对空穴生成有明显的影响.
- By analyzing the simulation results, how the hardening parameter, bend radius parameter and thickness parameter influence springback is studied. 通过对模拟结果的分析,研究了硬化指数、弯曲半径、材料厚度等因素对回弹的影响规律。
- Effect of tungstic electrode argon arc hardening parameters on microstructure and mechanical properties of boron cast iron surface was investigated. 研究了钨极氩弧扫描速度对硼铸铁表面硬化效果的影响规律。
- Effects of plasma beam surface hardening parameters on microstructure and hardness distribution of the hardening layer of boron cast iron at junction of two hardening traces were investigated. 研究了等离子束表面硬化工艺参数对硼铸铁硬化轨迹交叉点处硬化层的组织与硬度分布的影响。
- Harden up a little, we need more speed. 把帆索拉紧一点,我们需要加快速度。
- yield and strain hardening parameters 屈服强化
- Hot steel is quenched to harden it. 烧热的钢淬火使它坚硬。
- The varnish takes a few minutes to harden. 清漆几分钟就能变硬。
- Don't harden your heart against him. 别对他硬心肠。
- So we find that hardening operation is made up of heating and quenching. 因此我们发现淬火工序包括加热和淬硬两个步骤。
- Please harden in the main ropes, the sail's not tight enough! 请把主要的绳索拉紧些,帆扯得不够紧!
- Anneal means make harden steel soft and remove brittleness. 退火就是使淬火钢变软并消除其脆性。
- Spend by each department have to fall within certain parameter. 每个部门的开支必须属于确定的系数之内。
- Able to set and harden under water, as Portland cement. 在水中变硬的能在水下定型并变硬的,如波特兰水泥
- He often went to the gym to harden his muscles. 他过去常到健身房锻炼肌肉。
- They harden clay by putting it in a fire. 他们把粘土坯放在炉火里使其变硬。
- They let the liquid harden on a glass surface. 并让液体在玻璃表面硬化,
- The bylaws forbid play ball in the public harden. 地方法规规定任何人不得在公园打球或踢球。
- Set this parameter to high value e.g. 2000. 设置这个参量到比较高的值,比如2000。
- They harden clay by putting it in a fire . 他们把粘土坯放在炉火里使其变硬。