- Hydration of free lime often leads to a volumetric expansion of hardened cement pastes. 硬化水泥浆体由于水泥中游离氧化钙水化常会导致体积膨胀。
- A multi-level simulation method is presented for predicting the elastic moduli of hardened cement paste. 提出了硬化水泥石弹性模量预测的分级模拟方法。
- The influence of electrode on accelerating chloride ion permeation through hardened cement paste was studied. 本文研究了加速氯离子渗透过水泥石试验中铜电极和不锈钢对试验结果的影响;
- The fineness and content of coal gangue have also influence on the pore distribution and SEM figure of the hardened cement pastes. 热活化煤矸石的细度和掺量对水泥硬化浆体的孔结构分布和形貌也有较明显的影响。
- The expansion mechanism of hardened cement paste with double expansion sources of entringite and brucite was studied by using theory of fractal geometry and viscoelasticity. 应用分形学与粘弹性力学对含钙矾石和水镁石膨胀源的水泥硬化浆体的膨胀机理进行了研究与分析。
- The influence of hydroxyethyl methyl cellulose and vinyl co-polymer on the bulk density and capillary water absorption of hardened cement mortars was studied. 研究了羟乙基甲基纤维素和乙烯基共聚物2种聚合物干粉对硬化水泥砂浆体积密度和毛细孔吸水率的影响。
- All cementitious or cement-based materials are membrane-like, including hardened cement paste(HCP), mortar and concrete,which is in nature related to the characteristics of HCP. 包括水泥浆、水泥砂浆和混凝土在内的水泥质/基材料,均具有类似薄膜材料的特性,这种特性与水泥石的性质密切相关。
- Conductive calorimetry, TGA, DSC, DTA, SEM-EDXA, helium comparasion pycnomerry and mercury intrusion porosimetry were used to study the micro-structural changes of hardened cement pastes when cement was blended with silica fume. 本文采用了导热量热法、TGA、DSC、DTA、SEM-EDXA、氦比重法以及压汞测孔法研究了掺硅灰之后,水泥石微结构的变化。
- The effects of hardened cement on the compressive strength of autoclaved waste concrete samples of fine powder are less because the amount of hardened cement in ordinary concrete is more than 12.5 wt% (mass ratio). 由于普通混凝土的水泥用量按水化水泥量计算均超过12.;5%25;普通混凝土磨细制成蒸压试样的强度受废混凝土中水泥石量的影响很小。
- Value of fractal dimension (D) which can be used to describe the pore structure of hardened cement pastes decreased with the prolongation of hydration but increased with the augment of coal stone. 分形维数值随著水化龄期的延长而减小,但随著煤矸石掺量的增大而增大。其可以用来表徵硬化水泥浆体的孔隙结构特徵。
- The hydration degree of Portland cement under the condition of low water cement ratio was tested,and the microstructure of hardened cement paste was studied by means of XRD and SEM. 研究了低水灰比硅酸盐水泥的水化程度,并利用XRD和SEM分析了硬化水泥浆体的微观结构。
- Able to set and harden under water, as Portland cement. 在水中变硬的能在水下定型并变硬的,如波特兰水泥
- Effects of coal gangue on structure of hardened cement paste formed 煤矸石对硬化水泥浆体结构形成的影响
- Life in the camp had hardened him considerably. 军营生活使他变得坚强多了。
- Harden up a little, we need more speed. 把帆索拉紧一点,我们需要加快速度。
- The building is made of hydraulic cement. 大楼是用水硬水泥建造的。
- Dennis is becoming hardened to failure. 丹尼斯对失败变得麻木了。
- He hardened his hold on the door. 他把门抓得更紧。
- Cement output next year would be57 million tons. 明年的水泥产量(将)有5700万吨。
- The metal in the mould hardened into shape. 模子里的金属硬化成形。