- Harden up a little, we need more speed. 把帆索拉紧一点,我们需要加快速度。
- harden quench 淬硬
- Hot steel is quenched to harden it. 烧热的钢淬火使它坚硬。
- The varnish takes a few minutes to harden. 清漆几分钟就能变硬。
- Don't harden your heart against him. 别对他硬心肠。
- Nothing could quench her longing to return home again. 她重返家园的念头怎么也打消不掉。
- Please harden in the main ropes, the sail's not tight enough! 请把主要的绳索拉紧些,帆扯得不够紧!
- Anneal means make harden steel soft and remove brittleness. 退火就是使淬火钢变软并消除其脆性。
- He bought an ice - cream to quench his thirst . 为了解渴,他买了一块冰淇淋。
- Iced tea will quench your thirst on hot days . 冰镇茶在热天将解除你的口渴。
- Able to set and harden under water, as Portland cement. 在水中变硬的能在水下定型并变硬的,如波特兰水泥
- Iced tea will quench your thrist on hot days. 冰镇茶在热天将解除你的口渴。
- Foul water as soon as fair will quench hot fire. 灭火不论水清浑。
- Pouring oil on the fire is no way to quench it. 加油不是灭火法。
- A little stream will quench a great thirst. 小水流,解大渴。
- He often went to the gym to harden his muscles. 他过去常到健身房锻炼肌肉。
- They harden clay by putting it in a fire. 他们把粘土坯放在炉火里使其变硬。
- To quench steel is that hot steel is quenched to harden it . 淬钢就是烧热的钢置入水中骤冷使之坚硬。
- The firemen were unable to quench the fire. 消防人员无法扑灭这场大火。
- He bought an ice-cream to quench his thirst. 为了解渴,他买了一块冰淇淋。