- They are quick to pull out the wallet or purse and hand over their hard earned cash. 他们很轻易的拿出钱包或钱夹,把自己辛辛苦苦挣来的钱移交他人。
- Trust is hard earned but easily spent. 信任得来不易但失去容易。
- Gambling is a good way to lose hard earned money. 赌博是一个很容易输掉血汗钱的方法。
- Click links and view websites to earn cash and points. 点击链接和看法网站赢得现金和点。
- Earn cash clicking banners and visiting sites: CLICK BANNERS! 是点击赚钱,不是一直有的。
- Either way, you will still bet your hard earned money. 不管怎样,您更将打赌您的坚硬被赢得的金钱。
- I will spend my hard earned money on electric gadgets. (我只会把我辛苦赚来的钱花在数码产品上。)
- You can choose to opt in and start receiving paid emails to earn cash. 设置你的帐户接受支付邮件,开始赚钱!
- The American People need to know who is costing them their hard earned money. 美国人民需要知道是谁把他们的血汗钱给糟蹋了。
- Earn cash by subscribing to receive special offers and announcements from our partners. 当您按下提交,我们会向您发送电子邮件确认函,这将需要订阅的激活。
- In a town where there are other, bloodier ways to earn cash, this makes for a dangerous brew. 在一个能通过其他更加血腥的方式赚钱的小镇,这将促成一个个危险的图谋。
- One earns cash by sewing fancy beads on to cheap, plain saris. 其中一个赚钱的方式,就是把花俏的珠子缝在普通的廉价纱丽上。
- Every penny was hard earned,and every shilling was kept until I had to spend it. 每个便士都那么难挣,对于每个先令,都是到万不得已时才花掉它。
- Wow. I never hear about that procedure. That is your money. If I were you, I would not send my hard earned money. 哇。我从来没有听到这一程序。这是你的钱。如果我是你,我不会把我来之不易的钱...汇出....
- Beware of these scams in the market. Don't invest blindly and lost all your hard earned money. 小心这些市场诈骗伎俩,不要损失你的血汗钱盲目的投资。
- When I went to get it there was a long line of immigrants, all being scammed their hard earned money. 办手续时,我看到有一长队的移民排队等候,无一例外,他们的血汗钱也都这样被榨取了。
- Indeed, it's reputed as the classic fistic play, which is hard earned throughout China. 其经典招法有:顺擒箭锤、寒鸡递掌等。
- Was just one of the operational uses of the mind control scenario by the CIA. Your hard earned tax dollars supported this. P. 年在我只有岁时,从我的祖父那购买了我的服务。在接下来的的精神控制项目中实际操作利用的其中一个。你辛苦赚的税钱就用来支持这个项目。
- Keep their hard earned moneyout of the hands of a p. W feel sure that it was moneyto Project Hope though they themselves were not rich by any standard. 尽管他们并不富裕,还是为希望工程捐了。
- Since 2006 this hoax company was promising updates to the players to keep them playing and earning cash. 自2006年这一骗局的公司是大有希望的更新到球员,让他们玩,并赚取现金。