- A hard ball used in such a bearing. 滚珠用于上述轴承的硬珠。
- You wanna play hard ball? I'm in game! 你要玩硬的,我奉陪!
- A small hard ball, usually of glass, used in children's games. 弹子小孩子游戏中通常用玻璃制成的小硬球
- I have had a hard ball after an inadvertent remark to her: I know you do not waste time. Find another opponent or bars. 我开了球以后漫不经心的打了一句话给她:我看你不要浪费时间了,还是换个对手吧。
- The instruction of the improvement of the grinder for the super hard ball of valve and the principle & the method for the grind. 介绍了球阀的超硬喷涂球体研磨装置的改进及研磨原理和方法。
- The thesis mainly concerns hard ball systems on a line, billiard trajectories in polyhedral angles and period billiard trajectories in a plane convex domain. 本文主要讨论直线上的硬球系统,多面角里的台球轨迹,平面凸区域中的周期轨问题。
- A game played on a large outdoor course with a series of9 or18 holes spaced far apart, the object being to propel a small, hard ball with the use of various clubs into each hole with as few strokes as possible. 高尔夫球在室外大场地开展的一种球类运动,有一系列的9个或18个彼此远距离分开的穴,比赛目的是用各种球棒把一小的硬球推入各个穴,球棒击球的次数越少越好
- Milan are currently in the process of trying to lure Emanuel Adebayor from Arsenal but so far any progress seems to have stalled as the Gunners play hard ball over their Togolese striker. 米兰最近在试图引诱阿森纳的阿德巴约,但是至今没有任何进展,因为阿森纳不放阿德巴约的态度很强硬。
- But the home fans did not give them a good look, "Wang Tan-song, hard ball", "Wang Tan-song, hard ball", "Wang Tan-song, hard ball," such a shouting match in the beginning and then never stop. 可是家乡球迷并没有给他好脸色,“谭望嵩,挨球”、“谭望嵩,挨球”、“谭望嵩,挨球”,这样的喊声在比赛开始之后就一直没有停歇。
- Then we discuss billiard trajectories in polyhedral angles, since it is well known that any hard ball system on a line is isomorphic to a billiard in an appropriate polyhedral angle. 然后我们讨论多面角里的台球轨迹,因为熟知直线上的硬球系统同构于适当的多面角里的台球系统。
- It is hard to sleep without a cooler in this room. 没有空气调节器,在这间屋里很难入睡。
- Cowhide-covered hard balls, wooden bats, and padded gloves constitute the basic equipment. 棒球表面用牛皮缝合,加上木制球棒,加衬手套,构成棒球基本装备。
- She hit the ball a touch too hard. 她击球的力量大了点儿。
- The cooperative transport in a two-dimensional system of hard balls is studied, which is underdamped and under the deterministically flashing ratchet potential. 摘要研究了确定性周期闪烁棘齿势下欠阻尼的二维硬球系统的合作定向输运问题。
- John felt it hard to rig out his family. 约翰感到难以为一家大小置备衣着。
- The hard core in the party make all the decisions. 这个党的核心成员决定一切。
- Hard copy is computer output on paper, printing or graphics. 硬拷贝是出现在纸上、印刷上或图表上的电脑输出。
- I scrubbed hard at the stain to see if I could get it off. 我使劲擦这个污迹,看能不能将它去掉。