- What I need now is the security of a happy home. 我现在需要的是一个幸福家庭所给予的安全感。
- Children need a happy home environment for their healthy growth. 孩子们需要幸福的家庭环境才能健康地成长。
- Children need a happy home environment. 孩子需要一个幸福的家庭环境。
- Love is the master key to a happy home. 爱是快乐家庭的万能钥匙。
- A happy home life needs the efforts from both sides of the couple. 美满的家庭生活要靠夫妻双方的努力。
- A happy home life needs the effort from both sides of the couple. 美满的家庭生活要靠夫妻双方的努力。
- I thought of Esau and two kids and of the warm, happy home Doris had made for them. 我想到颐素和那两个孩子。多丽丝使他们一家温暖愉快。
- As darkness comes you strap up your basket and drive happily home. 当黄昏降临时,你系好篮子,快乐地驾车回家。
- Children need a happy home environment. This school shut down during the farming seasons. 那家皮革厂因为缺乏原料而停工。
- And their sorrowful faces overcast the happy home and also remind me of my left time ever and again. 而他们担忧的表情也给这个曾经幸福的家带来了一层愁云,同时也时时警示着我自己所剩无多的日子。
- Now girl, I know the difference between right and wrong. I ain't gonna do nothing to break up our happy home. 好吧,亲爱的,我知道对与错的区别。我不会再做任何事情还破坏我们幸福的家了。
- Happy Home Series are good for hamsters,mice etc. It's easy for assemble &using. 欢乐仓鼠乐园系列,包装精美,使用方便,容易安装。
- The official paradigm of post-war womanhood was a capable, caring housewife who created a happy home for her husband and children. 官方范式战后女性是一个能干的,关怀的家庭主妇,谁创造了一个愉快的家,她的丈夫和孩子。
- VISITING Disney World without your children is risky.What if they find out?Your happy home will become an inferno of tantrums and broken crockery. 如果您忍受不了孩子怒气冲天和砸锅碎碗的样子,那就千万不要一个人去逛迪斯尼乐园。
- "Lubing said," If we do not help the victims in the settlement houses prolonged, so that they will have a happy home, Tan Ho running? “从6月底到现在,有的灾民倒房已经两个多月了,群众自救能力很低,再也不能拖了!”
- Some locals speculate that Harris-Moore burgles not for the money but to experience the fantasy of the happy home life he never had as a child. 一些本地人推测,哈里斯-莫尔盗窃并不是为了金钱,而是为了体验他童年不曾有过的幸福家庭生活。
- It was pure luck that he was home when we called. 非常幸运,我们打电话时他在家里。
- I often sit on grandmother's lap, listening to my grandmother talk about her childhood stories, I listened with relish and small partners, thinking that our happy home. 我常常坐在奶奶的膝上,听着奶奶讲着她小时候的故事,我和小伙伴们听得津津有味,想着我们的那幸福的家园。
- Baby child lives in Dishini things, what reveal juvenile products with fairy tale colour is lively with lovely. Let every child overshoot in happy home of Dishini happy childhood. 迪士尼婴童家居用品,以童话色彩彰显儿童用品的活泼与可爱。让每位小朋友在迪士尼的欢乐家园里渡过快乐的童年。
- But you can rest assured that we can certainly melt sorrow into strengths, dry our tears, draw out our chest to hit our aims, and reconstruct our happy home! 但你们放心,我们一定会化悲痛为力量,擦干泪水,挺起胸,仰起头,去完成我们共同的事业,重建我们美好的家园!