- Make a dumpling. And wrap up happiness and luck. 包个饺子,包上幸福快乐、如意吉祥。
- Buy a Chinese little leaf Box decoration, a good tour souvenir, and happiness and luck are always with you. 黄杨木雕像饰,旅游纪念佳品,购上一个,幸福吉祥。
- By the buddhism music,Wecan decrease the guilty thar we have and bring the happiness and luck. 为家人与眷属带平安的法音,此专辑是为疾病所苦之人消灾实祈福,远离病苦。
- May this year turn out to be the happiest and the best to you. 祝你今年万事胜意。
- happiness and luck (to you) 幸福吉祥
- We hope to have a life of happiness and prosperity. 我们希望拥有成功幸福的生活。
- You are busy and prosperous--best of luck to you. 你很忙,生意兴隆--祝你福星高照。
- Good-bye and good luck to you both! 再见,祝你们俩一路平安!
- Flowers, Bird, Fish and Insects This category includes homophones and symbols of good fortune, longevity, happiness and luck, as well as paper cuts of flowers, birds, fish and insects. 福、寿、喜,吉祥物,花鸟鱼虫,精美的团花、角花、窗花,您会陶醉在喜庆的节日气氛中。
- You are busy and prosperous--best luck to you. 你很忙,生意兴隆--祝你福星高照。
- Gosh. Good luck to you and mouse. 天哪!好运,你和老鼠!
- And I wish to you, joy and happiness. 祝愿你快乐幸福。
- And the same to you with knobs on! 祝你同样,而且还更好!
- You've added so much happiness and richness to my life. 是你使我的生活变得这么幸福和富有意义。
- When i fall in love, never care anything for taking happiness and love to you! 可当我爱上的时候,便会不顾一切的要让你快乐,幸福。
- My best regards to you and Ruth. 谨向您和鲁思问候。
- Thank you. And a merry christmas to you! 谢谢你。祝你圣诞快乐!
- English skills will accrue to you from speaking and reading a lot. 多读和多说英语,英语能力就会培养起来。
- May happiness and joy be with you at Christmas! 愿你圣诞幸福、快乐。
- Forever treasure belongs to my happiness and joy! 永远的珍惜属于我的幸福与快乐!