- Many issues hung upon the outcome of the debate. 许多问题都看这次辩论结果如何来决定。
- A body of the enemy hung upon their rear. 一伙敌人紧紧地跟在他们的后面。
- A long time, is it not, for a cold to hang upon her? 感冒折磨她很久了,不是吗?
- The stars have wrought their anklets of light to deck thy feet, but mine will hang upon thy breast. 星星把光明做成足镯,来装扮你的双足,但是我的珠链要挂在你的胸前。
- She hung upon him with a slavish dependence. 她守着他,就象驯服的奴隶一样依附于他。
- Gloom hung upon his father's brow at whiles. 他父亲时常愁眉不展。
- You still hung upon you mysterious married lady? 你还一直对神秘的已婚女士痴迷?
- A merchant's happiness hangs upon luck. 商人的幸福靠运气。
- Thy neck, is as the tower of David, which is built with bulwarks: a thousand bucklers hang upon it, all the armour of valiant men. 你的颈项宛如达味的宝塔,建筑如堡垒,悬有上千的盾牌,都是武士的利器。
- Talents are the most lovely and often the most dangerous fruits on the tree of humanity. They hang upon the most slender twigs that are easily snapped off. 杰出的人才是人类之树最美好、常常也是最不安全的果实。它们悬挂在最纤细的、容易折断的技头。
- Great talents are the most lovely and often the most dangerous fruits on the tree of humanity. They hang upon the most slender twigs that are easily snapped off. 伟大的天才是人性之树上最可爱但也常常最脆弱的果实。它们悬挂于容易折断的最细弱枝头。
- The whole fate of Ireland hung upon a single battle. 爱尔兰的整个命运都悬在这一次战斗上。
- The imperturbability of the mountains hung upon him like a suit of armor. 高山的宁静象一套盔甲似的罩在他的身上。
- Nothing was left for him to hang on to. 他已经没有什么东西可以指靠的了。
- The police have only one fingerprint to hang onto. 警察惟一能凭借的就是一个指印。
- They hung upon him for a time, and left him with merited reproaches and contempt. 这班人跟随他几时,后来散了,却无一个不骂他,看得起他的。
- Hang up your horse and come in for a drink. 把马栓在桩上。进来喝一蛊。
- A pall of mystery seem to hang over it all. 整个事件似乎笼罩上一层神秘的气氛。
- Our supplies will hang out for only a week. 我们的贮备只能再维持一周了。
- His arguments did not hang together. 他的论据前后不一致。