- Bush's dream of a new world order hang on the edge of a volcano. 布希的新世界秩序梦想挂在火山边缘。
- It can be hang on the side or fixed on plate. 可侧挂安装或安装于平台上。
- I see far ahead, on the other side of the hedge bordering the high road, a small notice-board. 我看见前面远处在公路边上树篱的另一侧有一个小布告牌。
- Ornamental copper pans hung on the wall. 墙上挂着装饰性的铜盘。
- The criminals were hanged on the gibbet. 罪犯被推上绞架吊死。
- Hanging on the wall was a fine etching of the church. 挂在墙上的是一幅精致的教堂蚀刻板画。
- Masks hang on the walls of a Venetian shop. 威尼斯一家商店的墙上挂满了面具。
- Hang on, there's a place on the leave there. 等一等左边那儿有一块空地。
- Everything hang on the committee's decision. 所有事情系於委员会的决定。
- Some more flowcharts should be hang on the wall. 去得晚的得等到前面的吃完才能进去。
- She has a few garments to wring out and hang on the line. 她有几件衣服要拧干晾在绳上。
- A world map was hung on the wall to the left. 左边墙上挂着一幅世界地图。
- A big calendar is hanging on the wall. 墙上挂了一本大月历。
- The settling way will hang on the outcome of our discussion. 解决的方法待我们的讨论结果而定。
- A shiny broadsword is hanging on the wall. 一把金煌煌的大刀挂在墙上。
- A picture of a waterfall hung on the wall. 一幅绘有瀑布的画挂在墙上。
- Shock troops were sent to hang on the rear of the retreating enemy. 突击部队被派去跟踪追击撤退之敌。
- The aggressor troops still hang on there. 侵略军仍然赖在那里不肯撤走。
- Everything hangs on the committee's decision. 任何事情都取决于委员会的决定
- The coral hung on the necks of your queens. 那珊瑚挂在你们皇后的颈项前。