- The division arranged the supply of 10 000 meals to officers on operational duties in the field during the Handover Ceremony. 在交接仪式进行期间,该组曾安排为执行外勤职务的人员供应超过一万份膳食。
- The picture shows Chinese Ambassador to Cook Islands speaking at the handover ceremony. 图为库总理和中国大使出席交接仪式。
- More than 10 demonstrations took place during the Handover Ceremony and,on the whole,the demonstrators were peaceful and co-operative. 虽然有逾10项示威活动进行,但总体而言,示威者的表现是和平和合作的。
- A Planning and Implementation Team was set up at Police Headquarters in January to deal with all security matters relating to the Handover Ceremony and WB/IMF Annual Meetings. 一九九七年一月,警察总部成立策划及执行小组,专责处理所有与交接仪式及世界银行/国际货币基金组织理事会年会有关的保安事宜。
- More than 6 000 local and international media representatives were accredited to cover the Handover Ceremony and Hong Kong became literally the focus of the world. 期间共有逾6000名本地及国际传媒代表获准采访政权交接仪式,令香港成为举世注视的焦点。
- The official handover ceremony was scheduled for mid-August, but on the day before the ceremony, Goxhill experienced its only air raid of the war. 在交接仪式的前一天,高克希尔遇到了二战中对它的唯一一次空袭。
- More than 10 demonstrations took place during the Handover Ceremony and, on the whole, the demonstrators were peaceful and co-operative. 虽然有逾10项示威活动进行,但总体而言,示威者的表现是和平和合作的。
- The two-week security operation for the WB/IMF Annual Meetings was similar to the arrangements for the Handover Ceremony. 为世界银行/国际货币基金组织理事会年会而筹划的两星期保安行动与交接仪式的安排相类似。
- They also provided support for searches in special operations,especially during major events of the year including the Handover Ceremony and the WB/IMF Annual Meetings. 此外在各种特别行动中,尤其是年内的大型活动如交接仪式及世界银行/国际货币基金组织理事会年会,搜查犬也协助警队进行搜查工作。
- They also provided support for searches in special operations, especially during major events of the year including the Handover Ceremony and the WB/IMF Annual Meetings. 此外在各种特别行动中,尤其是年内的大型活动如交接仪式及世界银行/国际货币基金组织理事会年会,搜查犬也协助警队进行搜查工作。
- The torch arrived amid tight security from Greece, where Tibetan exiles and human rights activists tried unsuccessfully to disrupt a handover ceremony Sunday. 奥运火炬在严密的保安措施下从希腊抵达北京.在希腊,流亡藏人和人权活动人士星期天曾试图打断一次交接仪式,但是没有成功。
- Planning and Implementation Team was set up at Police Headquarters in January to deal with all security matters relating to the Handover Ceremony and WB/IMF Annual Meetings. 一九九七年一月,警察总部成立策划及执行小组,专责处理所有与交接仪式及世界银行/国际货币基金组织理事会年会有关的保安事宜。
- For celebration of the handover ceremony of Macau, Macau government decided to re-equip the Governor Nobre de Carvalho Bridge and the Friendship Bridge. 澳门政府为了配合庆祝澳门回归五周年的多项活动,进行了多项美化装修工程,其中包括重新装修嘉乐庇大桥和友谊大桥。
- The Handover Ceremony to mark the transfer of sovereignty in June/July and the Annual Meetings of the World Bank Group/International Monetary Fund (WB/IMF) in September presented unprecedented policing challenges. 在六、七月间举行的交接仪式和在九月举行的世界银行/国际货币基金组织理事会年会,是警队前所未有的重大挑战。
- Between June 29 and July 2, 1997, RTHK led a consortium with ATV, TVB and Wharf Cable to produce a continuous 96 hours of core feed signals to broadcasters and to a satellite uplink covering the Handover Ceremony and the establishment of the HKSAR. 香港电台领导亚洲电视、无线电视和有线电视成立电视转播联盟,在一九九七年六月二十九日至七月二日期间连续96小时把电视公共讯号传送至各媒体及人造卫星上行链路,以报道香港回归交接仪式和香港特别行政区成立庆典的情况。
- The Chinese leadership during the handover ceremony,and on subsequent numerous occasions,has emphasised that Hong Kong would continue to enjoy a high degree of autonomy under the'one country,two systems'concept. 在政权交接仪式上,以及在其后的众多场合中,中国的领导人多番强调,香港在“一国两制”的构想下,继续享有高度自治。
- The ISD team in the Handover Ceremony Co-ordination Office was responsible for setting up the 9 000 square metre PBC,which the ISD then managed from the centre's opening on June 15 to its closing on July 9. 派驻交接仪式统筹处的政府新闻处人员负责设立这个面积达9000平方米的新闻及广播中心。该中心在六月十五日启用,至七月九日关闭,期间由政府新闻处负责管理。
- Between June 29 and July 2,1997,RTHK led a consortium with ATV,TVB and Wharf Cable to produce a continuous 96 hours of core feed signals to broadcasters and to a satellite uplink covering the Handover Ceremony and the establishment of the HKSAR. 香港电台领导亚洲电视、无线电视和有线电视成立电视转播联盟,在一九九七年六月二十九日至七月二日期间连续96小时把电视公共讯号传送至各媒体及人造卫星上行链路,以报道香港回归交接仪式和香港特别行政区成立庆典的情况。
- During the operation of the Press and Broadcast Centre for the Handover Ceremony,digital photographs produced by the system were also placed in a special Handover Web Site for downloading by the press world wide. 在特别为交接仪式而设的新闻及广播中心运作期间,由数码图片系统制作的数码式图片,存放于一个特设的交接活动网页上,供世界各地传媒下载。
- During the year,the Police Tactical Unit (PTU) played a major role in crowd management during large-scale public events such as the opening of the Tsing Ma Bridge,the Handover Ceremony and the WB/IMF Annual Meetings. 年内,警察机动部队曾为多项大型公众活动,例如青屿干线开幕、交接仪式和世界银行/国际货币基金组织理事会年会,执行人群管理工作。