- halogenated ketone 卤代酮
- A steroid containing a ketone group. 酮甾含酮基的甾类化合物
- Mixtures containing a halogenated alkane. 含一卤化链烷的混合物。
- To treat or combine with a halogen. 卤化用卤素处理或与卤素引起化合
- Ketone found in caraway, dill and spearmint oils. 香芹酮:在葛缕子,莳萝和绿薄荷油中发现的酮类物质。
- Show modena, criterion uric ketone body ( ) . 呈深紫色,则尿酮体( )。
- Our station offers lighting halogen lamps service. 佛山灯泡厂。
- Halogen headlights, brake lights and numberplate. 卤素头灯,刹车灯和numberplate 。
- A pathological increase in the production of ketone bodies. 酮病酮体产生时的病态增加
- The formation of ketone bodies,as occurs in diabetes. 生酮酮体的形成,如多尿症中
- Enduro-style, 60/55-watt halogen headlight features high/low beams. 耐用的60/55瓦远近光卤素前大灯。
- The formation of ketone bodies, as occurs in diabetes. 生酮酮体的形成,如多尿症中
- Halogen atoms contain seven electrons in their valence shell. 卤原子在它们的介电子层含有七个电子。
- A pathological increasein the production of ketone bodies. 酮病酮体产生时的病态增加。
- Will Halogenated Flame Retardants Be Replaced in the Future? 卤系阻燃剂会被取代吗?
- The medicaments that what disease treats is heart ketone amine? ? 心酮胺是治疗什么病的药物??
- We trained them how to troubleshoot to avoid ketone acidosis. 我们会训练患者如何解决问题并避免酮症酸中毒。
- Any of various carbohydrates containing a ketone group. 酮糖含酮基的一种碳水化合物
- No halogen color-coded XLPE insulation., No halogen PE sheeting. 辐照交联低烟无卤阻燃聚烯烃绝缘,低烟无卤阻燃聚烯烃护套。
- Carvone: Ketone found in caraway, dill and spearmint oils. 香芹酮:在葛缕子,莳萝和绿薄荷油中发现的酮类物质。