- The circuit of toilet servomechanism which used hall sensor was designed. 设计了基于霍尔传感器的卫生间自动控制器电路。
- Hall sensor which contains signal amplification and waveform shaping. 其中霍尔传感器包含信号放大和波形整形。
- In this paper, the detecting current problems of applying highperformance LEM hall sensor are studied. 为此,分析研究了应用高性能的LEM霍耳传感器检测电流的问题。
- Abstract :This paper describes the design speed and Odometer to SCM system and the smallest Hall sensor at the core. 摘要:本文介绍的速度与自行车里程表设计以单片机最小系统和霍尔传感器为核心。
- The products including: Power Management IC、 Hall Sensor IC、 PLD、 Memory Chip、 MCU etc. 专注于模拟器件,数字集成电路之推广销售。
- An on-chip commutation decoder and state machine reads the inputs of three Hall sensor inputs (or IO outputs from a microprocessor). 芯片整流解码器兼状态机读取三个霍尔传感器输入的输入(或微处理器的IO输出)。
- The device consists of a precise, low-offset, linear Hall sensor circuit with a copper conduction path located near the surface of the die. 该器件具有精确的低偏置线性霍尔传感器电路,且其铜制的电流路径靠近晶片的表面。
- The device consists of a precision, low-offset linear Hall sensor circuit with a copper conduction path located near the die. 该器件由一个低偏移的精密线性霍尔传感器电路组成,其铜制的电流路径靠近晶片的表面。
- The devices consist of a precise, low-offset, linear Hall sensor circuit with a copper conduction path located near the surface of the die. 该两种器件具有精确的低偏置线性霍尔传感器电路,且其铜制的电流路径靠近晶片的表面。
- This paper introduces the electric car mileage / speedometer is AT89C52 Hall sensor systems and the combination of speed mileage measurement system. 本文介绍的电动车里程/速度表是以AT89C52单片机系统和霍尔传感器相结合的车速里程测量系统。
- Abstract: A method for determining Hall sensor positions in three-phase multipole BLDC with concentrated winding is introduced and analyzed. 摘要:分析了分数槽集中绕组无刷电机在常用的三相全波工作方式下霍尔传感器位置确定的方法。
- A method for determining Hall sensor positions in three-phase multipole BLDC with concentrated winding is introduced and analyzed. 摘要分析了分数槽集中绕组无刷电机在常用的三相全波工作方式下霍尔传感器位置确定的方法。
- First, we substitute linear Hall sensor signal for general FOC which can directly produce various phase current commands in three phase stationary frames. 霍尔元件讯号由查表的机制可计算得到马达转子位置,进而能得到转速讯号,以达到速度控制的目的。
- In this paper, we introduced the principle and engineering examples of Hall sensor, demonstrated the application of switching Hall sensor in measuring acceleration of gravity and showed the circuit. 介绍了霍尔传感器的原理以及工程应用中的霍尔传感器种类 ,举例说明了开关型霍尔传感器在重力加速度测量实验中的应用 ,同时给出了具体的应用电路
- I heard his footsteps in the hall. 我听见大厅里有他的脚步声。
- Among them: making use of reflecting type infrared ray sensor, photo-electricity dynatron and Hall sensor to find the black line, the barriers, find the light and check the rotate speed. 并以此为基本框架,结合自动控制原理对玩具车转速进行闭环反馈,使小车运行稳定;
- The hall resounded with laughter and whistles. 大厅里充满了笑声和口哨声。
- In the sensors system of the dexterous hand, authors mainly introduce six DOFs fingertip force/ toque sensor, joint position sensor, motor hall sensor and so on. 在灵巧手的传感器系统中,作者着重介绍了指尖六维力/矩传感器、节位置传感器、机霍尔传感器等。
- Rotational speed test device based on Hall sensor 基于霍尔传感器的转速检测装置
- The accordion was in full blast in the hall. 在大厅里手风琴拉得非常响亮。