- halituous bruit [医] 哈气样音
- Bad: Bruit that male is a homosexual. 坏:谣传那个男的是同性恋。
- Cet h?tel est bien situe, il n’y a pas de bruit. 这家旅馆位置很好,没有噪音。
- The representative's job is to bruit the company's products abroad. 公司代表的工作就是向国外宣传公司的产品。
- Tout les bruit sont disparus, tout le monde gardait le silence. 喧哗停止了,全班一片寂静。
- Much bruit, little fruit. 讲空话,不办实事。
- Keep the equipoise,bruit the evangel。The other power,the system of interior. 维持着平衡,散播着福音。这是另一种力量,一种内政的秩序。
- Nevertheless, you are OK also these message regard as bruit or it is gossip. 不过,你也可以将这些消息看做谣传或是道听途说。
- A 41 year-old female suffered from right eye proptosis with spontaneous, subjective bruit noise after car accident. 摘要一位41岁女性病人,因车祸引起复视,右眼球突出并自觉性离音。
- Abdominal bruit was heard in the right epigastric area.Renovascular hypertension was highly suspected. 同时在病患的右上腹部可以听到血管嘈音,高度怀疑是肾血管高血压。
- Don't make any stunt or purposively express seditious or sensational words; don't bruit rumors about contestants. 不得制造噱头、刻意煽情和渲染悲切情绪,不得在节目中传播或暗示选手的负面消息和流言。
- A bruit can mean that there’s a partial blockage in your carotid artery that could lead to a stroke. 颈动脉杂音意味着颈动脉存在一定程度的阻塞(可能会引起“中风”)。
- A bruit can be heard with a stethoscope and may be a warning of a narrow or blocked section of an artery. 这种异常的血流声能够通过听诊器诊断出来,代表着患者可能存在某些动脉内腔狭窄甚至阻塞。
- Your doctor can hear a carotid bruit with the help of a stethoscope put on your neck over the carotid artery. 医生可以通过将听诊器放在颈部的动脉处判断出颈动脉杂音。
- Zhu Gehui was denied directly " Chun Lie acts " , he expresses: "We act without what, pure belong to bruit. 诸葛辉直接否认了“春猎行动”,他表示:“我们没有什么行动,纯属谣传。
- Dana is the captain of the MV Marine Coaster ferry, travelling among Rose Blanche, La Poile, and Grand Bruit. | Dana是渡轮MV Marine Coaster的船长,渡轮往返于Rose Blanche镇,La Poile村,和Grand Bruit村。
- The thyroid region was full and prominent, soft without nodules, Bruit presented and had thrill on palpation. The heart rate was 120/min. 甲状腺区丰满且膨出,柔软无结节,有杂音而且触诊有震颤。心率120/分。
- The thyroid region was full and promin.nt, soft without nodules, Bruit presented and had thrill on palpation. The heart rate was 120/min. 甲状腺区丰满且膨出,柔软无结节,有杂音而且触诊有震颤。心率120;分。
- Those inchoate bruit may by later correct replace, but disaccord reader greets sb, be being expunged directly is ill-considered. 那些早期的谣传可能会被后来的更正替换,但不和读者打招呼,直接删掉是不妥当的。
- Major clinical presentations are hypertension with or without encephalopathy, ischemia of brain, kidney, retina, and extremities, and vascular bruit. 此病临床表现多样性,主要以高血压、大脑、肾脏、视网膜及四肢之缺血性病变较常见。六例已进入慢性期,一例在急性期被诊断。