- A thick-soled laced half boot worn by actors of Greek and Roman tragedies. 厚底靴希腊和罗马悲剧演员所穿的束带子的厚底半高统靴
- A foot and leg covering reaching halfway to the knee,resembling a laced half boot. 半高统靴长度到膝盖的脚和腿的覆盖物,很象用带子束紧的半高统靴
- A foot and leg covering reaching halfway to the knee, resembling a laced half boot. 半高统靴长度到膝盖的脚和腿的覆盖物,很象用带子束紧的半高统靴
- A high shoe or half boot. 半统鞋一种高鞋或半统靴
- intermittent pneumatic compression half boot 间歇气压式半靴, 间歇气动压迫半靴
- The Karmapa is a sturdy young man, spectacles clinging to his round shaved head, pebbled brown half boots peeking out from beneath the robe. 大宝法王是个强健的年轻人,一副眼镜架在他圆圆的剃过的头上,在僧袍下面露出半高的褐色的靴子。
- He threw away all the junk in the boot of the car. 他把汽车行李箱中所有废弃的旧物都扔了出去。
- Players will also get a new club tie, a navy blue polo shirt which can be worn as an alternative to shirt and tie, a dark brown mock croc belt and brown suede half boots. 球员们还会配发一条新的俱乐部领带,一件海军蓝的polo衫作为西装加领带之外的另一种选择,一条深棕色仿鳄鱼皮腰带和一双棕色小山羊皮半靴。
- I apportioned half the property to each of them. 我把财产的一半分配给他们各人。
- He is dishonest, and a coward to boot! 他为人不诚实,还是个胆小鬼呢。
- She's an attractive woman, and wealthy to boot. 她是个很有魅力的女人,而且很富有。
- She reckoned she had cut her cost by half. 她估计她减少了一半的费用。
- New recruits are trained at the boot camp. 新兵在新兵训练营接受训练。
- I worried half the night and have a fitful sleep. 我半个晚上都一直在担心,故而时醒时睡。
- He got a big boot out of hunting in Africa. 他曾去非洲打猎,从中得到极大的乐趣。
- I scuffed the heel of my boot on the step. 我的靴子後跟在台阶上磨坏了。
- I scuff the heel of my boot on the step. 我的靴子后跟在台阶上磨坏了。
- He can fling off a poem in half an hour. 他可以在半小时之内草就一首诗。
- My boot is pressing against a blister on my toe. 我的靴子挤压了我脚趾上的水泡。
- It took him half an hour to finish the work. 他花了半个小时做完这项工作。