- This boat is half as long again as that one. 这条船比那条长一半。
- At 932 pages, it is half as long again as an already-bloated previous draught. 目前该法案的页数达到932页,但只是是其庞大草案的一半。
- The leads of the new condenser are as long again as those of the old one. 新电容器的引入线和老电容器的长度仍旧是一样长。
- half as long again as ... 比 ... 长一半
- half as long again as 比 ... 长一半
- Wheel A turns half as fast again as Wheel D. A轮转动比D轮快半倍。
- I guess he has half as many books again as I. 我想他的书比我多一半。
- This machine turns half as fast again as that one. 这台机器转动比那台机器快半倍。
- The line AB is half as long as the line CD. AB线比cd线短一半。
- He has half as many books again as I. 他拥有的书是我的一倍半。
- This house is half as large again as that. 这幢房子比幢大半倍。
- We shall meet again as long as time stands. 青山不改,绿水长流,我们后会有期。
- Spending on health is half as much again as it was in 1998. 卫生保健方面的开销比1998年增长了一半。
- The cost is about half as much again as it was two years ago. 现在的价格比两年前提高约一半。
- There were half as many again as there were last time. 只有上次一倍半的量。
- The new campaign isn't as good as the original campaign, and it's half as long. 新战役没有原始的那么好,而且只有原来一半的长度。
- The leads of new condenser are half as long as those of the old, yet the functions are the same. 新型电容器的导线比旧式的短了一半,但作用相同。
- Reapplication can be dismissed again as long as the reapplication is expired or disqualified as well. 申请复审逾期或复审仍不合格者,驳回其申请案。
- The leads of the new condenser are half as long as those of the old, yet the functions are the same. 新型电容器的导线比老式电容器短一半;但作用相同.
- Turns out, Mercedes-Benz took the car on a route that was not even half as long as the route undertaken by Bertha Benz. 但话又说回来,奔驰汽车在道路上说,甚至没有半只要路线进行伯莎奔驰。