- We won't keep you waiting more than half a minute. 我们不会让你久等的。
- The next contestant surprised me. She made139 jumps in half a minute. 下一个参加比赛的人使我吃惊,她在半分钟之中跳了139下(指跳绳)。
- I can hold my breath for about half a minute. 我可以憋差不多半分钟长的气。
- Half a minute brought it all out. 这件事不一会就弄明白了。
- It's exasperating to run for a train and then miss it by half a minute. 跑著赶火车,却差半分钟没赶上,真气人。
- Hang on. I'll be ready in half a minute. 等一下。我马上就准备好了。
- It's exasperating to lose a train by half a minute. 因半分钟之差而误了火车是令人恼火的。
- Half a minute, no more than one minute. 半分钟,不能超过一分钟。
- I won't keep on waiting more than half a minute. 我不会让你久等的。
- The girl made135 jumps in half a minute. 这女孩半分钟跳了135下。
- Half a minute later he was lost in the warrens of Whitechapel. 半分钟以后他消失在怀特查佩尔大街上拥挤的人流中。
- It couldn't have lasted half a minute, but it seemed like an hour. 前后不过半分钟,却象过了一小时。
- The next contestant surprised me. She made 139 jumps in half a minute. 下一个参加比赛的人使我吃惊,她在半分钟之中跳了139下(指跳绳)。
- It's exasperatingto run for a train and then miss it by half a minute. 跑著赶火车,却差半分钟没赶上,真气人。
- Coil-based traps rarely take less than half a minute to create a condensate. 线圈做成的磁阱则是连要在半分钟内产生凝聚态都很难。
- I'll be ready in half a minute. 我马上就准备好。
- Hold on a minute while I get my breath back. 停一停,让我喘口气。
- Let's sit down a minute to catch our breath. 让我们坐一会儿,歇口气。
- The honest clown looked earnestly at me, and said nothing for above half a minute. 这个老实的乡下佬仔细瞧着我,有好半天没说一句话。
- The practice is very exhausting and it is difficult to keep it up for more than half a minute. 这个练习很累人,很难持续半分钟以上。