- She pushed the hair back from her forehead and turned towards him. 她把她的头发从额头上向后掠一掠,转过身子面向着他。
- She swept her hair back with a comb. 她用梳子将头发往后梳。
- She tied her hair back with a rubber band. 她用一条橡皮筋把她的头发绑在后面。
- She prefers to tie her hair back. 她喜欢把头发绑在脑后。
- She always ties her hair back in a band. 她总是用一条带子把头发扎在后面。
- He flipped his own hair back from his eyes. 他将挡在眼睛前面的头发拂开。
- She held her hair back with a pin. 她用发夹将头发向后夹住。
- Teresa tied her long hair back in a ponytail. 泰瑞莎把她的长发向后扎成马尾。
- She swept her hair back, so she looks more mature than before. 她把头发往后梳,所以显得比以前成熟。
- If you put your hair back,it would suit your face better. 如果把头发往后拢一下将更适于你的脸形。
- She swept her hair back,so she looks more mature than before. 她把头发往后梳,所以显得比以前成熟。
- If you put your hair back, it would suit your face better. 把头发往后拢一下将更适于你的脸形。
- He was stroking her hair back into place when the door opened. 当门打开时,他正在整理她的头发。
- She was glistening with brine and holding her hair back. 她浑身是水,头发甩在后面。
- Pushing her hair back with her other hand, she picked up the telephone. 她一只手把头发朝后掠,一只手拿起了电话。
- Pushing her hair back with her other hand,she picked up the telephone. 她一只手把头发朝后掠,一只手拿起了电话。
- She swept her hair back from her face to emphasize her high cheekbones. 她把头发朝脸后拢时,高高的颧骨显得更为突出。
- Roz: Are you looking forward to growing your hair back, the whole thing? 你打算重新把头发留长吗?甚至一切都恢复原样?
- Her hands trembled lightly as she smoothed her hair back from her forehead. 当她把她的头发往后抚平的时候,她的手轻轻的颤抖着,
- Use a bristle brush to scrape the hair back into a ponytail below the crown and above the occipital bone. 用短毛梳将发尾头发梳起束成马尾,将马尾绑在枕骨和发尾之间。