- Henan Rebecca Hair Products Co., Ltd. 河南瑞贝卡发制品股份有限公司。
- Xuchang Fashion Hair Products Co. [相关关键字: 毛织布。
- This characteristic is OK restrospect to KIEHL ' the history of S is classic beautify hair product. 这项特点可以追溯到KIEHL’S的历史经典美发产品。
- Because its surface is slick and the spinnability is not well, the depilation of rabbit hair product is easy. 但兔绒纤维表面光滑,可纺性差,其产品脱绒现象较为严重。
- IDA treasures our partners, we recognize the ultimate needs of hairdressers, hence we guarantee to develop highest quality hair product and never end. IDA会不断探索合作夥伴之需求,提供值得信赖和高品质的专业美发产品,协助夥伴造出满意之作品。
- Protect hair product commonly usedly to also can achieve candid result with 3 kinds: Fixature, hair breeds and finalize the design water. 用三种常用的护发产品也可以达到爽直效果:发胶、发乳和定型水。
- The 27-year-old has already requested Procter &Gamble, who employ her as the face of hair product Pantene, pay her in euros. 27岁的姬赛儿已要求聘她当潘婷美发产品代言人的宝碱公司,用欧元支付她的酬劳。
- This opulent little spot on a funky little strip fills its plush booths with lovely, lithe young things who are heavy on the hair product and light on the attire. 这个丰富的小的斑点在质朴一点小条用是重的在护发产品和光在服装的可爱,易弯的年轻事填装它的长毛绒摊。
- So fix your hair with these new AXE hair products and get girl-approved hair. 所以用这些全新的AXE护发产品修整你的头发并做出女孩喜欢的发型。
- Hair is one of the most important parts of our look and the quality of a hair product especially the hair straightener that is being purchased cannot be compromise so as to damage our look. 我们不是带香港赛马会看遍了名医,还是没有结果啊,这你也不能怪我,我也是很尽力在给他医治啊,我又有什么办法呢?”
- Few people realize there's a correct way to shampoo your hair, says George Caroll, a stylist, hair product designer, and consultant to the entertainment and beauty industry in Hollywood. 乔治卡罗是一位造型师、发型设计师,同时也是好莱坞娱乐和美容行业的顾问。
- Remember that just about everything is scented these days, so between your cologne, laundry detergent, fabric softener, hair product and deodorant, you're a cornucopia of fragrance. 要记得现在这日子,什么东西都是有味道的,你有古龙水、洗衣液、柔顺剂、洗发水和除臭剂,你已经是个香味聚宝盆了。
- Korea with this base with the base, Ltd. is a research and development, processing, production, sales beauty hair product modern integrated enterprise. 韩国同本基株式会社是一家集研发、加工、生产、销售美容美发系列产品的现代化综合企业。
- Official ghd Website. ghd online shop, salon locator & product registration. Latest ghd hair products & offers including limited edition Rare styler. 祝贺佛高开通了佛山高校第一个学生家园,欢迎进驻,那里有期待你的朋友!
- We are manufacturer and exporter of hair products, including hair pieces, synthetic hair, human hair, toupee, etc. 青岛宏力发制品有限公司,是真正的全花边假发和假发的补贴制造商在山东省青岛市。
- We are a manufacturer of hair products just like hair extensions,hair wigs ,clip on hair exte... 发布者:崔艳所在地:河南许昌市行业:礼品、工艺品、饰品职位:外销员工作年限:
- Our registered brand “SEABREEZE” for series of hair products is well accepted in Europe, Japan and other countries. 我公司以“SEABREEZE”为注册品牌的系列发制品已在欧洲、日本等地建立了销售网络,市场前景看好。
- She had her hair styled at the beauty parlor. 她的头发是在美容院做的。
- Therefore,Haire has established own website in 1996, provided for the consumerto understand the Haire product, the Haire culture platform. 因此,海尔于1996年建立了自己的网站,为消费者提供了一个了解海尔产品、海尔文化的平台。
- DONGFANG Hair Products CO., LTD. located in Xuchang Henan ----the largest collecting &distributing.... 产品目录:真丝领带、真丝围巾、真丝睡衣睡袍、真丝书画、真丝家纺、真丝工艺品2008年5月14日,22:44:50