- had no bearing up onv. 与 ... 无关(对 ... 无影响)
- has no bearing up onvt. 与 ... 无关(对 ... 无影响)
- have no bearing up onvt. 与 ... 无关(对 ... 无影响)
- The evidence had no bearing on the case. 这个证据与此案无关。
- Recent events had no bearing on our decision. 近期的事件与我们的决定没有关系。
- What you have said has no bearing on the subject under discussion. 你所说的话与正在讨论的问题没有关系。
- Those issues have no bearing on our situation. 那些问题与我们的情况无关
- The victim had no chance when four or five thugs ganged up on him. 当四、五个暴徒联合起来攻击那个受害者时,他就没有任何反抗的希望了。
- What you have say have no bearing on the subject under discussion. 你所说的话与正在讨论的问题没有关系。
- What you have said has no bearing on the subject. 你说的事情与这一主题毫无联系。
- What you have said has no bearing on. 你所说的与本题无关。
- What he said has no bearing on the subject. 他讲的话与本议题无关。
- His question has no bearing on the subject. 他的问题与主题无任何关系。
- Students have no choice But to mug up on it if they want to progress further. 英文不好的学生只好破釜沉舟,硬着头皮把英文搞好。
- What he said has no bearing on the subject under discussion. 他的话与当前讨论的问题没有关系。
- How many kids you have has no bearing on how much tax you pay. 你有几个孩子和你交多少税没有关系。
- The poor guy had no idea.No idea how I sneaked up on him, how I'd stuck a shining blade into his spine. 那可怜的人什么也不知道,不知道我是如何从背后悄悄偷袭,如何将锋利的刀插入他的脊背。
- What they have done has no bearing on the promotion of sales. 他们所干的事情与这次促销活动毫无联系。
- However, this property has no bearing on the control at run time. 然而,此属性在运行时与控件无关。
- Bear up, out troubles will blow over in no time. 打起精神来,我们的困难马上就会消除的。