- Keywords PDCA cycle;security management;habitual peccancy;methodology; PDCA循环;安全管理;习惯性违章;操作方法;
- habitual peccancy 习惯性违章
- Habitual tardiness is irritating to the teachers. 学生迟到习以为常令教师恼火。
- My girlfriend and I are habitual cinema-goers. 我和女友是电影院的常客。
- A habitual manner of acting to achieve an end. 手法,技巧为达到一目的而采取习惯的行动
- Farmers are habitual early risers. 农夫惯常早起。
- Habitual or established practice; custom. 惯例习惯性的或既定的做法; 习俗
- His habitual place at the table was occupied by a stranger. 他惯常坐在桌旁的位置被一个陌生人占据了。
- His habitual expression was one of mild puzzlement. 他的习惯性表情是一种适度的困惑。
- A habitual tendency or way of behaving. 习性一种习惯性的行为倾向或方式
- Excessive or habitual indulgence in alcoholic liquor. 酗酒过度或习惯性地大量饮用酒精饮料
- The habitual offender deserves legal sanction. 这个惯犯应受法律制裁。
- Habitual overeating has distended his stomach. 经常大吃大喝把他的胃口撑大了。
- His person showed marks of habitual neglect. 他的外表透着懒散成癖的形迹。
- They are habitual visitors to our house. 他们是我家的常客。
- Davis said with his habitual guilty grin. 戴维斯带着一种惯常的内疚的样子笑着说。
- Meanwhile, the peccancy problems are more and more outstanding. 同时,汽车违章问题也日益突出,仅靠交通警察人工处理违章情况已不能解决这一问题。
- Ice and snow are a habitual sight in the north. 冰雪在北方是常见的。
- E-mails can be a habitual distraction. 电子邮件能让你养成分心的习惯。
- Habitual patronage, as of a store. 经常惠顾对商店等经常的惠顾