- gyroscope reference system 陀螺基准系统
- The design of Strapdown Attitude and Heading Reference System (SAHRS) based on Fiber Optic Gyroscope (FOG) was presented. 针对光纤陀螺仪及捷联系统的特点,研究并实现了一种基于光纤陀螺仪的捷联航姿基准系统。
- Professional Reference System of High Education of Art II. 高等院校艺术类学生专业参考大系2。
- Whether an object is moving or not depends on its reference system. 物体是否运动是相对于参考系而言的。
- Munsell Color spectrum is an absolute color reference system. 孟塞尔色谱是一个万万色彩参照编制。
- Let us consider a reference system attached to the aircraft referred to above. 让我们来考虑一下设在上述飞机上的参照系。
- The EPSG code of the spatial reference system of this featureType. Other SRS's are not yet supported. 类型特征的空间参考系统的。
- The statement must not reference system tables or views, including catalog views and dynamic management views. 语句不能引用系统表或视图,包括目录视图和动态管理视图。
- The Terrestrial Reference System (TRS) is of significance whether in the basic science research, or in development of national economy. 摘要地球参考系的研究无论在基础科学,还是在国民经济建设中都具有重要的意义。
- The terms of reference system of ICC arbitration orig in ated from form of submission. 国际商会仲裁体制下的审理范围书制度起源于当事人在争议事件发生后签订的“自愿书”。
- Coning error is an important accuracy index to evaluate theattitude heading reference system(AHRS). 圆锥误差是评定航姿系统精度的一个重要指标,一般可通过测试设备模拟圆锥运动进行研究。
- The new IFCC reference system is the only valid basis on which to implement standardization of the A1C measurement. * 新的IFCC参考系统是实施A1C测量标准化之唯一有确效的基础。
- Schuler and Foucault cycle oscillations have some errors to strapdown attitude heading reference system (AHRS). 摘要舒勒周期振荡和傅科周期振荡会影响捷联惯性航姿系统的精度。
- When studying the movements of objects, we must first set up the reference system. 研究物体运动时,一定要先设置参照系。
- Abstract: Coning error is an important accuracy index to evaluate the attitude heading reference system(AHRS). 摘 要: 圆锥误差是评定航姿系统精度的一个重要指标,一般可通过测试设备模拟圆锥运动进行研究。
- PATOLIS Search Guide is the free reference system for variuous kinds of codes and classifications. Patolis搜索门户可以搜索各种代码和信息,而都是免费的。
- Don't refer to this matter again, please. 请不要再提这件事了。
- Wright J W.Directional drilling azimuth reference systems[R],IADC/SPE 17212. 李宏伟;李淑伟.;井口坐标系及地磁参数的确定[J]
- Are referral systems in place where options are limited? 在避孕方法和服务有限的地区是否有转诊体系?
- Applications issuing SELECT statements that directly reference system tables are frequently dependent on the old format of the system tables. 但应用程序在发出直接引用系统表的SELECT语句时,通常依赖于旧的系统表格式。