- Bush and other backers of a guest worker program say it is needed to fill jobs that Americans do not want. 布什同其他外来工人计划的支持者都说,需要有人来做美国人不想做的工作。
- But he still backs againsta guest worker program and pass thea path to citizenship for immigrates already here who do not have a criminal record. 但是他仍然支持一项“客工计划”以及承认没有犯罪记录的已经在美国的非法移民合法的公民权。
- The White House says the guest worker program is a crucial component of the overall reform bill. 白宫表示,客工计划是全面移民改革议案的重要组成部份。
- The president found strong support among the members of the Chamber of Commerce, which has been advocating an immigration reform bill that includes a guest worker program. 布什总统得到了美国商会成员的大力支持。美国商会一直提倡移民改革法案要包含一个临时客工计划。
- The Senate version includes a temporary guest worker program and a formula that would enable some illegal immigrants to eventually apply for citizenship. 参议院的法案包含一项临时客工计划,并且允许某些非法移民最终可以申请入籍,变成美国公民。
- The Senate passed immigration reform legislation last year with the guest worker provision, but the legislation died because the House of Representatives never acted on the measure. 参议院在去年就通过了移民改革法案,其中包括有关外来劳工的条款。但是这项法案因白宫代表从未执行而流于破产。
- In presenting his plan Wednesday, Senator Frist said he disagreed with a plan put forth by the Senate Judiciary Committee earlier this week that would create a guest worker program. 弗里斯特星期三在介绍这项议案时说,他不同意参议院司法委员会本星期早些时候通过的建议设立客工计划的议案。
- A plan favored by the president would allow guest workers to remain in the country for up to six years. 一项总统支持的计划将允许美国以外的工人在美国工作最多六年。
- The old man stared the uninvited guest up and down. 老人把不速之客上下打量了一番。
- But Gulf residents would be able to buy more with their money, and guest workers could send more rupees home to families in Kerala. 但海湾国家的总统们能用他们的钱买到更多的东西,外籍劳工们也能寄更多的卢比回喀拉拉邦的家里。
- Singaporeans,ever accommodating and generous to guest workers,need to get prepared for new immigrants who will work side by side with the local people for an even better tomorrow. 一向有容纳外来客工宏量的国人,更必须在心理作好准备,迎接新的移民,加强我们生产线的实力,为新加坡的未来光明前途,并肩作战。
- In 2007 the AFL-CIO, which represents 10m workers, argued that plans to allow illegal immigrants to remain as guest workers would depress wages for their members. 2007年,代表1000万劳工的AFL-CIO争论说允许非法移民当作外来工人的计划将压低其成员的工资水平。
- B.Translate the following sentences into English.The situation that the third industry in big cities increasingly relies on guest workers has entrenched. 美国虽未激起产生恐怖主义根源的原始的民族和种族仇恨,然而,美国也并不能完全脱离干系。
- He's changed into a conscientious worker. 他已成为一个工作认真的人了。
- The boss dispenses the sick worker from his duties. 老板准许生病的工人不上班。
- The worker brought a new scrapper with him. 那个工人随身带着一把新刮刀。
- The guest speaker will be our old friend John Lewis. 特邀演讲者将是我们的老朋友约翰。路易斯。
- Standing by him was a model worker. 站在他旁的是一位劳动模范。
- He is a worker who is obsequious to the boss. 他是个对老板卑躬屈膝的人。
- I want to catch forty wink before the guest arrive. 我想在客人到达之前,先打个盹儿。