- guava fruiter 番石榴树
- Can you swallow guava seeds or not? 到底这芭乐籽该不该吞进肚子?
- Fruiter of northward fallen leaves says regnally. 有北方落叶果树王国之称。
- To make of the fruiter compound manage more.. 为了使果树的复合经营更...
- Guavamens (guava month) guava blossoms. 榴月:
- South American tree having fruit similar to the true guava. 南美树种,果实类似于番石榴。
- Tell me which one you prefer, guava juice or grapefruit juice. 告诉我,你比较喜欢芭叶汁或是葡萄柚汁。
- The fruiter should be sprayed pesticide periodically. 果树应定期喷洒农药.
- It also is present in tomatoes, red and pink grapefruit and guava. 它还存在于西红柿、红色或粉红色的葡萄柚以及生长于热带的番石榴中。
- The husband begins to have complaint, think replant fruiter. 丈夫开始有怨言,想改种果树。
- Julie: I want to get some watermelon and guava for after dinner. 茱莉︰我想买一些西瓜和芭乐当晚餐的饭后水果。
- I had a chicken burger, a cup of sugar-free coffee, and a guava. 中译)我吃了一个鸡肉汉堡、一杯无糖的咖啡和一个芭乐。
- Guava is also rich in fiber which helps prevent constipation. 番石榴还含有大量的纤维素,能防止便秘。
- Wash the guava, remove the peel and seeds, cut into pieces. 石榴洗净后去皮去籽,切件待用。
- Why are they grown again went up the other fruiter such as pear, peach? 他们为什么又栽上了梨、桃等其它果树呢?
- Refrigerationcould extend the storing period of guava fruit affectively. 冷藏可有效延长珍珠番石榴的贮藏期。
- Melt the pink guava paste with heat, dilute the paste with some yogurt. 粉红石榴酱加热至溶化,拌入少许乳酪以作稀释。
- Lifted stonefruit and guava aromas combine with butterscotch of malolactic. 核果和番石榴的芳香,与奶油糖果的果酸交织融合。
- Palate: Heraceous、guava、light body 、crispness、fresh clean and balanced. 口感:青草、番石榴为主,酒体轻盈,清脆干净,平衡性好。
- "Really inopportune, " tall answers, "Today all afternoon I want and wife fruiter of a clip. “真不巧,”乔答道,“今天整个下午我要和妻子一起修剪果树。”