- Africa's population growth speeded up. 非洲的人口增长加速。
- Economic growth speeded up to some extent. 经济增长有所加快
- It is worth noting that the growth speed of the industrial production since March this year has been slowed down. 值得注意的是,今年3月份以后工业生产增长速度有所放慢。
- The growth speed of ryegrass regeneration shoots in intercropping with Chinese milk vetch faster than in single cropping by more than 50%. 集约栽培条件下,黑麦草近距离间作紫云英,黑麦草刈割后再生速度极显著地快于单作黑麦草刈割后的再生速度。
- Adding nutrition cannot advance the growth speed and activity of bacteria in natural seawater. 广谱营养盐的加入并没有显著提高天然海水中微生物的数量和生长速度。
- The growth speed of USDA110 was fast in medium BSE, followed by TY and YMA, slowest in SM. USDA110在豆芽汁中生长速度最快,其次是TY和YMA,在YMA中生长较慢,在SM中的生长速度很低。
- The growth speed of the four tree plantation models above is in the order: poplar>water fir>cryptomeria>black locust. 4种模式造林树种的生长快慢顺序是杨树>水杉>柳杉>刺槐;
- We draw the conclusion: The anisotropy intensity influence growth speed of dendritic peak,and reseau precision i... 各向异性强度影响枝晶尖端生长速度.
- Larix principis-rupprechtii has high adaptability and fast growth speed in the early years. 且华北落叶松在该地区除了具有较强的适应性外,更具有早期生长快和优良的速生性。
- America's productivity growth speeded up while Europe's slowed. 美国的生产率突然加速增长,而欧洲的增长却放缓了。
- Babyhood this stage is the growth speed is also most quickly easily the extraneous factor disturbance time. 婴儿期这个阶段是生长速度最快也是最容易受外界因素干扰的时期。
- ENN is experimenting with different algae to find a hybrid that has an ideal balance of oil content and growth speed. 新奥集团正在尝试几种不同的藻类,以找到油脂合成能力与生长速度兼顾的一种。
- CDA-II could reduce the growth speed, proliferation ability and bcl-2 expression and induce apoptosis of breast cancer cell lines. CDA-II可减缓两株乳腺癌细胞的生长和增殖能力,诱导乳腺癌细胞凋亡,减少乳腺癌细胞bcl-2表达。
- The results showed that the growth speed of HN01 was similar in media TY, YMA and BSE, which was faster than in PA and SM. 结果表明:HNO1在TY、YMA、豆芽汁培养基中的生长速度相近,均明显高于在PA和SM中的生长速度。
- Biological characteristics of Bt Cry proteinThe solubility, digestion of Cry protein with trypsin and growth speed of E. Bt Cry蛋白特性的研究
- Conclusion: That neodymium laser shines possesses can restrains the growth speed of cancering swelling tumour significanty. 结论:用钕激光照射对抑制癌肿瘤的生长速度有明显的作用。
- Economic growth speeded up with enhanced comprehensive strength last year. 去年经济增长加快,综合实力增强。
- The decrease of stomata conductance and leaf growth speed was closely related to both the strength and the duration of wate... 气孔传导度和发叶速度的降低均与水分胁迫强度和持续时间有关,而光合色素的增加主要与胁迫持续时间有关。
- With the increasing of benzoic acid and cinnamic acid concentration, the growth speed was decreased, and the radicles were short. 随着苯甲酸、肉桂酸处理浓度的增大,胚根长度变短。
- It was also inferred that edema disease and post-weaning diarrhea caused by ETEC F18 had close relationship with the growth speed of pigs. 并推测猪种的生长速度与ETEC F18大肠杆菌病的发生具有密切的关系。