- TEDA isa new economic growth point of Tianjin. 天津开发区是天津市一个新的经济增长点。
- Biomedicine Industry Becomes New Economic Growth Point. 生物医药产业成为新的经济增长点。
- Beijing local infrastructure investment as the only growth point. 北京地方基础设施投资成唯一增长点。
- India, therefore ornament to the formation of a new profit growth point. 因此印度饰品形成为了一个新的利润增长点。
- The tourist trade has become a new economic growth point for economic development in Xinjiang. 旅游业已成为新疆国民经济发展新的经济增长点。
- The private economy is the new growth point of Yuxi's social economy and an important com-ponent of national economy. 个私经济是玉溪市社会经济新的增长点和国民经济的重要组成部分。
- The OAI"s high-speed expansion has become the most energetic growth point of the economy in rural area. 农业产业化的迅猛发展已成为农村经济中最富有活力的增长点。
- Participants hope that the toyindustry will be a new growth point in the slumming world trade. 另外,此次活动还得到了当地政府的资金赞助。参会者希望玩具产业将会成为拉动世界贸易复苏的新的增长点。
- By developing its entertainment industry, Zhongshan could nurture new economic growth point. 通过大力发展休闲产业,积极培育中山经济新增长点。
- I believe that from the beginning of the second quarter, we will have a new growth point, including Hino and Guangfeng. 我相信,从第二季度开始,我们会有新的增长点,包括日野和广丰。
- Of course, another important area is the housing development, because that will be a new growth point in China's national economy. 当然还有住房建设,我下面还要讲。因为这是中国的国民经济的新的增长点。
- Firstly, whole color display screen will become the new growth point for the LED display screen industry, which also contains a tremendous market. 首先,全彩色显示屏将成为LED显示屏行业新的增长点,蕴含着极大的市场。
- There are rich light, heat, water, soil and ore resource in the Hexi Corridor Oasis, whose sustainable development will be bound to bring new economic growth point. 摘要河西走廊绿洲区光、热、土地和矿产资源丰富,走可持续发展道路必将为该区带来新的经济增长点。
- Sir Georg Solti hunting room manager, said sales are now surfacing that they have become the growth point and the point of survival. 猎房老总苏堤表示,现在卖铺面已成他们的增长点和生存点。
- Service industry is a important growth point of modern economy,and also is a important symbol of metropolitan modernization. 服务业是现代经济的一个重要的经济增长点,也是一个城市现代化的重要标志。
- For otter Xun, analyst at Shenyin Wanguo that nuclear power plants supply the electricity demand, the company would constitute a new growth point. 对于奥特迅,申银万国分析师认为核电站电力电源需求旺盛,将构成公司新的增长点。
- As a new economic growth point of Guangzhou, Panyu District construction must be strictly in accordance with planning to do, will build the facilities. 作为广州新的经济增长点,番禺区的建设一定要严格按照规划来办,将各方面配套设施建设好。
- In addition, cardiovascular and cerebrovascular cultivated antineoplastic drugs and the future will become the new profit growth point. 此外,公司培育的心脑血管药和抗肿瘤药将成为未来新的利润增长点。
- In addition, the company formed a joint venture Zhongtian Hitachi RF Cable Co., Ltd., has become a new profit growth point. 此外,公司合资组建的中天日立射频电缆有限公司,已成为其新的利润增长点。
- Ever since China's reform and opening up to the outside world,a large amount of technology-based SMEs have turned to be a new growth point in national economic development. 改革开放以来,一大批科技型中小企业已经成为国民经济发展新的增长点。