- We are trying to swtich our economic growth mode from extensive to intensive. 我们正在试图从从粗放型经济朝着集约型经济转变。
- Study indicated that growth mode of coatings was changed due to ppy. 结果表明:毗咯使涂层的生长方式发生了改变。
- By comparing the SEM and TEM images, well-aligned CNTs were grown by base growth mode. 由穿透式电子显微镜之高解析观察得知,奈米碳管非完美之管状石墨结构,而由圆锥状石墨结构所堆叠而成。
- In the extensive economic growth mode, growth is realized by massive investment in fixed assests. 集约型经济中,经济增长的实现依赖于对固定资产的大量投资。
- Based on the overview of theories of economic growth mode, growth drive factors of forestry economy were analyzed. 摘要在概述了经济增长模式理论的基础上,分析了林业经济增长的动力因素。
- The well-alignment of tubes is due to the base growth mode and the jostle effect. 由于底部成长模式与推挤效应两者之作用,奈米碳管因而能整齐排列垂直于基板。
- Therefore, the transformation of trade growth mode is viewed as precursor and key has inevitability and feasibility. 因此,将贸易增长方式的转变视为先导和关键有着必然性与可行性。
- The change of economic growth mode basically depends on the change economic system mode and development mode. 转变经济增长方式,根本上依赖于经济体制模式和发展模式的转变。
- Results indicated that the increasing velocity of relative quality can be applied to estimating the growth mode during the granulation process. 试验表明,颗粒相对质量的增长速率大小可用来初步判断造粒过程颗粒的成长方式。
- This paper establishes an economic model and analyzes intensivism of the economic growth mode by means of factor analysis method. 通过建立经济模型,采用因素分析法,对河南省经济增长方式的集约化程度进行了统计分析。
- GLD Company, as a key enterprise in machine tool industry, should grow into a pioneer for essential changes in growth mode of machine tool industry. GLD公司作为我国机床工具行业内的重点骨干企业,应该成为带动这种转变的先锋。
- Traditional competitive advantages to gradually weaken, the resources to fight, fight, fight prices to sustain the economic growth mode. 传统的竞争优势逐步减弱,拼资源、拼环境、拼价格的经济增长方式难以为继。
- The demonstration towns in transforming economic growth mode, pushing the balanced urban and rural development, and strengthening ecological and environmental protection. 转变经济增长方式、推进城乡统筹发展、加强生态环境保护的示范镇。
- We had discussed the growth mode of PZT powders in liquid state (the self-growth and reunite-growth of crystal nucleus) and the pyknosis mechanism during the period of sintering. 探讨了PZT粉体在溶液状态下的生长方式(核胚的自行生长和团聚生长)和在烧结阶段致密化机制。
- The vocational education shall serve our progress on the new way of industrialization, adjustment of the economic structure and transformation of growth mode. (三)职业教育要为我国走新型工业化道路,调整经济结构和转变增长方式服务。
- However, the output of japonica in northeast is unstable, and the way to weaken the fluctuation is to change the growth mode, reduce the range of yield fluctuation. 但东北地区粳稻生产波动幅度较大,波动频率较高,易出现大起大落的状况,在实际生产中必须转变产量增长方式,降低单产的波动幅度,促进东北粳稻生产平稳发展。
- Modifying elements directly affect the growth in terface of graphite and change its growth mode which leads to different morphologies of graphite crystals. 变质元素通过对石墨生长界面的直接作用,改变石墨的生长方式,影响石墨的结晶形貌。
- The growth modes of pro-eutectic and eutectic graphite was compared and inves tigated using liquid queuching technique. 用液淬技术,对初生石墨和共晶石墨的生长模式进行了对比研究。
- The main impediment to growth is a lack of capital. 影响发展的主要障碍是缺乏资本。
- He has been an unsung hero of the country's economic growth. 他是使这个国家经济成长的无名英雄。