- Closely joined; grown together; united. 密切联合的; 生长在一起的; 联合的
- The two shoots have grown together into one tree. 这两个嫩枝已长合在一起变成了一棵树。
- The two trees have grown together to form a double trunk. 这两棵树已长合在一起, 成了一棵连理树。
- Several stems should be grown together to form a cluster. 几块根茎应种在一起,形成一丛。
- Vanessa: But if the basics are in synch, you might grow together. 凡妮莎:但是若最基本的东西能协调,你们就能共同成长。
- Plant a tree on your birthday and let it grow together with you. 在你生日那天亲手种下一棵树,让它和你一起成长。
- The deepest and heaviest blove must grow together with the time. 最深和最重的爱,必须和时日一起成长。
- Deepest love most, and must be time to grow together. 最深最重的爱,必须和时日壹起成长。
- Golden Opportunity to be a Baker's Boy Owner! Let's Grow Together! 这是一个千载难逢的机会使你成为贝克男孩的主人!让我们一起成长!
- Approximate leaves grow together but are not united. 靠在一起的叶子一起生长但不会连起来。
- Tiny's spine had never grown together,and he was paralyzed in his back legs. 蒂尼的脊柱没有长在一起,而且它的后腿瘫痪。
- Keep on reading and growing together! 一起来读吧!
- After many years the rose bushes grew together. 许多年以后蔷薇丛长在了一起。
- Growing together is a step by step process. 形成紧密关系是一个逐步的过程。
- Pineapple is composed of the fruit of many small flowers grown together. 凤梨是多花果,由许多小花密生在一花序上长成。
- A condition in which bodily tissues that are normally separate grow together. 粘连正常分离的身体组织粘附到一起的状态
- The growing together of related parts,tissues,or cells. 结合相关部分、组织或细胞的愈合
- The two shoots that came up form the root have united and grown together into on tree. 从树根上长出的两条枝随长随合成了一棵树。
- He had bushy eyebrows that grew together in the centre. 他长着毛茸茸的眉毛,眉宇间连在一起。
- The growing together of related parts, tissues, or cells. 结合相关部分、组织或细胞的愈合