- The influences of blasting vibration on the stability of surrounding rocks mass and concrete lining of existed adjacent chambers, or excavating tunnel and the grouted rockbolts are studied and analyzed in the thesis. 本文主要研究爆破振动对邻近地下洞室和本洞围岩稳定性、混凝土衬砌及砂浆锚杆的影响。
- grouted rockbolt 砂浆锚杆
- Color epoxy grout system and method for use. 彩色环氧灰浆系统和其使用方法。
- The battle was won at grout cost in human lifes. 牺牲了许多人的生命才换来了这次战役的胜利。
- Analysis of reinforcing effect and distortion of subsurface-excavation with grouted rockbolts 地下硐室锚注围岩的变形分析
- Our country also studys and spreads the rockbolt technology. 我国也在研究推广锚杆支护技术。
- grouting rockbolt 注浆锚杆
- Standard forms for grout compressive strength test cube. 砂浆试模。
- The behavior of microfine cement grout is similar to Bingham fluid. 在流变性质上,超细水泥浆液属于宾汉流体。
- Peter Burkholder, Donald Jay Grout, Claude V.Palisca. 书名/作者 A history of western music / J.
- In order to prevent deep sliding, vertical grouted anchor pipe is adopted. 并通过动态监测法,反馈到施工过程中,及时调整支护参数。
- Its dam foundation grout curtain and backfilling technologies are advanced. 在大坝基础工程帷幕灌浆、回填技术上处同行之首。
- Any of the admixture or additive is forbidden to add into the JS Grout. 现场使用时,严禁在JS灌浆料中掺入任何外加剂、外掺料。
- In sands, a large amount of grout was required for the heave to be significant. 在砂土层中则须注入大量浆材方可达到隆起之目的。
- The rockbolt supported technique is an overall skill.It plays a more and more important role in engineering of geo-technical. 摘要锚杆支护技术是一项综合技术,其在岩土工程中发挥著越来越重要的作用。
- As a new anchor accessory on structure, FRP Rockbolt is developing in a high speed now.It’s been widely used in reinforcement of tunnels, slopes and mines overseas. FRP锚杆作为一种新型的锚固结构,发展较快,已经在国外矿山、隧道 、公路边坡支护中得到了较广泛地应用。
- The grout is installed after final adjustment and installation of the roadway wearing surface. 灌浆是在最终调整和安装桥面磨耗层以后进行的。
- A numerical model for the dynamical analyzes of the pre-stressed bolt support system was founded based on the structure of rockbolt and its mechanical characteristics. 摘要根据煤矿预应力锚杆支护系统的结构和受力特点建立了预应力锚杆支护系统的动力分析模型;
- Brick masonry walls built with a technique known as reinforced grouted brick masonry performed excellently. 用新的施工技术砌筑的配筋灌浆砖墙表现良好。
- The field experiment of rockbolt nondestructive detection was selected in Chacheng Mine, the results perform the dynamical characteristics of prestressed bolt supporting system. 在垞城矿进行了预应力锚杆的现场无损检测试验。试验结果表明:数值模拟结果真实地反映了预应力锚杆支护系统的动力特征。