- For group multiuser detection of DS-CDMA,the whole interferers were composed of the users in local cell and those in neighbor cells. 直接序列码分多址分组多用户检测中,干扰用户包括小区分组外用户及相邻小区用户。
- group multiuser detection 分组多用户检测
- Multiuser detection is a key technique in DS CDMA systems. 多用户检测技术是DS-CDMA系统中的关键技术之一。
- This paper proposed a new scheme for DS-CDMA system combined power control and multiuser detection. 该文提出了一种在DS-CDMA系统中综合考虑功率控制和多用户检测的方案。
- Interference in CDMA systems can be suppressed by power control, beamforming and multiuser detection. 摘要应用功率控制、波束赋形和多用户检测可以有效地消除和减少CDMA系统中的干扰。
- Then, an adaptive algorithm for the blind multiuser detection is given using method of the steepest descent. 然后,利用最速下降法,给出盲多用户检测的自适应算法。
- Multiuser detection (MUD) can combat intra-cell interference and increase system capacity. 多用户侦测可以有效地抵抗细胞内产生的干扰并提升系统容量。
- In this paper, present multiuser detection algorithms used for CDMA system are summarized. 文中总述了上述的多用户检测算法。
- The experiment results of the knapsack problem and multiuser detection problem show that the both of the propos... 通过对0-1背包问题和多用户检测问题的求解表明,新的算法不仅操作更简单,而且全局搜索能力有了显著的提高。
- This paper introduces a new blind adaptive multiuser detection algorithm based on MMSE criterion, and its performance is analyzed. 基于MMSE准则提出了一种新的盲自适应多用户检测算法,分析了该算法的性能并进行了仿真实验。
- Kalman filter is a linear minimum variance state estimator, and it combined array antenna and multiuser detection effectively. 卡尔曼滤波是一种线性最小方差状态估计,把它有效地结合阵列天线与多用户检测。
- To reduce the computational complexity, an algorithm of decorrelating multiuser detection on clustered users is further proposed. 基于算法的复杂性,提出一种区分聚集用户进行多用户检测的的算法。
- Most of the interference from users out of cluster can be suppressed while the remaining interference can be eliminated by multiuser detection with less computatinal complexity. 由于波束赋形能够消减主瓣波束之外的多用户干扰,对聚集移动台采用解相关检测达到减少运算量和消除多用户干扰的目的。
- The blind space-time channel estimation and multiuser detection algorithm for asynchronous DS-CDMA system in frequency selective Rayleigh fading channel are presented. 该文提出了适用于频率选择性瑞利衰落信道中的异步DS-CDMA系统盲空时信道估计及多用户检测算法。
- Pre-processing Decision-FeedBack Least Squares Constant Modulus blind multiuser detection Algorithm (P-DFB-LSCMA) using antenna arrays is proposed in this paper. 该文提出了一种基于天线阵列的预处理判决反馈最小二乘恒模盲多用户检测算法,称为P-DFB-LSCMA算法。
- M.J. Juntti, T. Schlosser, and J. O. Lilleberg, Genetic algorithms for multiuser detection in synchronous CDMA,Proc. Int. Symposium Inf. Theory '97, p.492. 唐普英;计算智能及其在多用户检测中的应用研究;电子科技大学博士学位论文;2002年7月.
- In this paper, a novel blind adaptive multiuser detection is proposed, the computing complex of this algorithm is O(NL), where N is the spread grain, and L is the window length. 该文提出了一种新的盲自适应多用户检测算法,这种算法的计算复杂度为O(NL),其中N为扩频因子,L为取样数据窗长度。
- Furthermore, we propose two kinds of multiuser detection receivers, to decorrelate and cancel MAI from the effective users of a high rate user due to multipath channel. 此外我们提出去相关和干扰消除多户侦测接收机用以克服高速传输使用者所遭受到来自等效用户的多重存取干扰。
- Finally it uses variable learning rate gradient descent method to optimize optimum network which is trained by genetic algorithm, then applied in the multiuser detection. 并用变学习速率梯度下降法优化遗传训练出的最优网络,应用到多用户检测中。
- The capacity and performance of a DS-CDMA system is greatly limited by Multiple Access Interference(MAI) and therefore many multiuser detection algorithms have been proposed. 在直序扩频码分多址(DS-CDMA)系统中,多址干扰(MAI)极大地制约系统容量及性能。